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Sheffield's Fiesta nightclub


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Hi, just recently joined The Forum and spotted this page. I used to go to the Fiesta Club quite often and remember seeing Marti Caine there as a support act! Had some wonderful nights there, remember The Supremes too. My sister used to work there.

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I worked at the fiesta in 1971/2 used to be on what was called Bar 9 next to the stage then moved down stairs when they open the disco room

still have great memories don't remember many names though except one in particular "Linda Go Go " got her name as she "aparently used to dance at the Black Swan before then

Is The Swan Still There Now ?

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  • 3 months later...

Ah yes the good old days of the fiesta.

heres another one of my threads ill probably get hung for,

by the time the club was on its last legs and about to close i was just about old enough to get in,so dont have to many persional memories but my mum and dad went quite often.

apart from bad management in the end (didnt the last owner take off to America with the takings of owing a lot of money) correct me if im wrong.around 1979.

To compete the club had to pay silly money to the artists in the end. i persionally hold shirly bassy responsable (and a few others) for the death of the fiesta,with the fee they charged to appear.

Pure greed.

if it wasnt for the fans these artists would be know where or still on the wmc circuit.in those days the artists didnt have as many over heads as they have today.

Bring back entertainment for all,not just the under 25s.

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Yeah, I went in the fiesta a few times, I was under age of course, but thought it well sophisticated!I actually liked the chicken in a basket!(The meal, not an act!)

One of my school friend's Dad used to work there, his name was I think Terry cole, also Diane ward if anyone knew them.

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I reckon that by about 1975 me and a few school mates ( ex Ecclesfield Comp ) did frequent the Fiesta a number of times.Remember going to see the lovely, if diminutive, Lynsey De Paul. What a gig, and at the end she finished with Won't Somebody Dance With Me ? And right at the very end she beckoned to the male section of audience, Well won't somebody dance with me ? Cue a mad rush to the front to oblige,never actually danced with her but got close enough to grab a smile.Lucky old James Coburn is what i say ( God rest his soul )

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