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Immaturity of grown adults! Condoms- whats the big deal?

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I think it's good that these days you can just go in a shop, be it chemist or supermarket and actually peruse and buy off the shelf.....no longer get asked in the Barbers "anything for the weekend sir?" Back in the 60's I worked for a while at Boots and they were hidden, back of the counter, in a drawer marked "Nocturnal Accessories". It was quite amusing seeing the lads pluck up courage to ask and quite embarrassing for the new girl assistants that got asked. Thankfully none of that now.....that's progress :thumbsup:


Hahaha I like that Joanl. I have now renamed by bedside table drawer "Nocturnal Acessories". Fabulous!

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I find there to be an assumption of men that women should be on the pill therefore they don't need to use condoms. Obviously there is then the risk of an STI but the big thing is that the pill has side effects on women. I came off the pill a couple of months ago after taking it for 10 years solid. There is no way on earth I would ever go back on it again. It made me feel like a different person. Only now am I starting to feel like myself again. If a man wouldn't use a condom I'm afraid he would have to go without - simple as that.


I totally agree about it being an assumption. In understand that men are just told that the pill stops women getting pregnant, but I do think there should be more education out there for men on the side effects of the pill. Not to mention that it is not 100% foolproof. I know of 7 people who got pregnant whilst taking the pills, and all say they didn't miss them and weren't sick. Sometimes it just fails.


Myself and my partner were both mature enough to get tested before we ever didn't use a condom. I was on the pill for some time, but the mood swings were astronomical. Not to mention the stomach pains I used to get and some months a period, some months nothing. It's not natural to mess with your system taking hormones if you ask me.


Well done you for making them go without if they are unprepared :)

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get the fella to go for the snip...........i had it done about 8 years ago, after our second


Hi Mel,

We do want kids but we aren't going to start trying until we are ready. We estimate next year, once we are married. We will start trying in about 10 months.. Eeek.. the clock is ticking! The longer I've left it, the scared-er I get! :hihi:

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A strange thing happened to me today....


I went to Tesco in Rotherham with the OH to get a few bits we were missing for a Sunday roast. On our way round, we saw a packet of Durex ltd edition condoms reduced to £5.50. Now, we either get them from family planning, or buy them as we need them, but they are pretty steep. Usually it's £3 for 3 or £10/ £12 for 10.


We stuck them in the trolley, as they were just end of line, and we never miss a bargain.


Anyway, when we got to the till, the security box that was holding them wouldn't open, for the assistant to open it and scan the sticker. I was stood waiting for her supervisor to go and sort this, when I overheard the man at the next till say to the woman with him "Look at that, buying condoms *snigger*, sad. It's sex, no need to make a big deal".


He was easily early 40s, and not the sort of person I'd expect such a comment from. If it had been a 14 year old lad, I'd have shrugged it off!


I turned to my partner and said loudly enough for them to hear "The immaturity of some people astounds me. Maybe we ought to put the condoms back love, and start popping kids out we can't afford to support- and give people something else to whinge about?"


The man pulled a few faces and muttered then carried on packing his shopping. My OH just pulled a face and we packed up and left.


Some people may find it a strange thing to write a thread about, but why do some people act this way? It's not something I come across often. I thought most people had sex, and as such would understand the implications of unprotected sex


Without being sexist, I tend to find a lot of men who don't understand too much about contraception don't understand why women in a relationship would not be on the pill, but surely there's no need to be so rude? Obviously the pill can have serious implications and has had for me!


My personal choice is to use condoms as these are best for us.


As we both work full time and are pretty busy, we can't always get to the family planning for free ones, so tend to buy them...


Are people embarrassed by buying condoms or embarrassed by other people buying them when they are around? It's seems astoundingly prudish behaviour to harbour in this day and age..


Heheheh, you said condoms :hihi:

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Yep I'm honest and upfront thanks. Not looking for dating advice - don't need it. Luckily I date gentleman. There are still a few left out there. If a man won't wait around a couple of months before sleeping together then he's not the kind of man I'm after. My relationships have always started as friendships it's always a more solid foundation I think. Also there are other ways to have fun than just penetrative sex :hihi:


I agree! My fella was a true gentleman and I made him wait :D

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nope im not embarrassed in the slightest buying condoms or lube at the supermarket. if anyone makes a comment a quick " oh grow up" usually shuts them up


Oh, don't get me wrong I don't get embarrassed buying these things. I just don't get the snide/ immature remarks from the man in there :)

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I agree! My fella was a true gentleman and I made him wait :D


Relost it's nice to know I'm not the only old fashioned gal out there. You'll have to tell me where you found your true gent, I've not been able to find a good one for a while :hihi:

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