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Just had a phone call saying my windows on comp has a bad virus, CON??

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Had one last night


Them 'Hello is that Mr. xxxxxx I'm Vanessa (Broad indian? dialect) I'm ringing up from Windows Microsoft your ISP has told us you are lots of virusus'

ME 'which ISP I have 3 Work Home and Mobile'

'Your Work?'

'Been down 4 weeks had a fire'

Your Home?

Ok then which one I run 3

'Err BT'

OK then (even though I'm not with them)

Can turn your PC on

Which one ! have 4

The main one (crafty)

Just a minute I have to go upstairs to switch it on (I live in a lower 1 floor flat)

Put phone down wait 2 mins pick up phone

Right its on

Will you open your browser please

Which 1 I have 3

Internet Explorer?


Mozilla thunderbird???????????

yes I have that wait a min (go for another 2 mins)

right its on

write in address bar 192.xxxxxxx

wait a min (go for another 2 mins)

any way to cut a long story a bit shorter after about 40 mins (of her trying to sell me a anti virus) I clicked on the fake call on my mobile answered it (lol)

Then said Excuse me I should have told you I work for the English police working in conjunction with the police in your country This call has been recorded and they have just rang me they are outside your door waiting for my signa.................... Phone goes dead


I think I upset 'Vanessa'

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scousemouse I thank you

I have had another call a short while ago from 'Timothy' (thick bugger couldn't even pronounce it properly TemotHey) acted a bit thick then said I don't know a lot about PC's so I'll pass you onto my work mate who knows about them Inspector Yournicked from the internet fraud squad


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