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Sheffield landlords who let to Benefit-claiming tenants?

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The fact that so many people have to ask this question is hideous.


Some buy to let mortgages state that you can not rent the property out to tenants receiving benefits.

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Some buy to let mortgages state that you can not rent the property out to tenants receiving benefits.


... There is no legal reason why they cannot let to DSS tenants.. and is actually discrimination to not allow DSS tenants..


It's more of a 'choice' by individual landlords....


For mortgages though it could be different to renting as they have to be sure that the mortgage will be paid and continue to be paid each month etc, it's more like a financial loan...

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... There is no legal reason why they cannot let to DSS tenants.. and is actually discrimination to not allow DSS tenants..


It's more of a 'choice' by individual landlords....


For mortgages though it could be different to renting as they have to be sure that the mortgage will be paid and continue to be paid each month etc, it's more like a financial loan...


Is that a problem for the banks or the landlord though?


You are breaching your mortgage terms if you let to people on benefits when the mortgage terms state you can’t.

Breaching terms in a contract is not advisable as they could call the mortgage in if found out.

Blame the mortgage company’s= https://www.legalforlandlords.co.uk/lenders-tell-landlords-no-dss/

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I'd add [what I think is] an interesting side topic to this. Not an assumption or an observation, or something from years ago that might now be an urban myth; something from actual recent experience.


I will quote the response from my Insurance Broker when I asked for a quote for a new property I'm buying - it's your standard 3 bedroom terrace that we all know and love. Nicely done. OK area. I could let to a private Tenant or it may be more suited to someone receiving LHA... it's up in the air. I really have no dogmatic issue with LHA... although I do have a preference.


Here's part of the email - "With the Tenant just being a Private Rental Tenant were [sic] looking at around £170 for the year. A Council Support Tenant would cost £256 for the year."


I knew this before, of course... but, to be fair, I'd never thought it appropriate to bring it up, this thread and the timing made it seem interesting. Just one more angle as to why.


---------- Post added 05-04-2018 at 18:53 ----------


Some buy to let mortgages state that you can not rent the property out to tenants receiving benefits.


Many Insurance Policies will state the same... and, of course, will include other non-desirables!


Not my position. The Insurance. They bundle their list of non-desirables into a big list and those may include... students... people in receipt of benefits... asylum seekers.


Even Politicians!


The deck seems stacked, right? Poor Landlords have it tough. Why should they act in loco parentis in place of the state? It's just a business... selling a product to a willing buyer (hirer, I suppose).

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  • 2 months later...

Lots of homelessness agencies will have contacts with landlords that let to people on benefits (particularly single people). You could try speaking to:


Roundabout Homelessness Prevention Service

Citizens Advice Bureau

local Council offices

libraries (often have useful information)

food banks

Archer Project

Howden House (Council)

Rough Sleeper Service (Framework)

homelessness hostels, e.g. Salvation Army and St Anne's

St Wilfred's day centre

probation service


It is also worth looking on Gumtree, Sheffield Forum, and DSS Move, websites.

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