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What do you think is an acceptable reason to have an abortion?

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There was a chance that my first son may have had to be delievered at just over 24 weeks, I was told he had a 50/50 chance of surviving.

What went through my mind was in the same hospital women were terminating their babies close to this age. I don't know how they can do it, I'm not trying to be judgmental but I just cannot understand it.


That is because you wanted your baby, as for you it was already a child with a future that you had been thinking about... Think about something you aren't bothered about, and then think about those who move heaven and earth to have it... This could be anything, could even be an addiction... Some people will never want to be parents, and some people may only want to be parents within a very specific background (partner/home/cash flow etc)

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This is the crucial part. An abortion above 24 weeks is only allowed in very specific circumstances (either the foetus is non-viable or the life of the mother is at risk).


A baby at 24 weeks will need medical intervention on a dramatic scale in order to survive, and runs significant risk of suffering long terms complications and disability.


While every effort is taken to provide this care when a baby is born into a loving and committed family, would it really be fair to take drastic measures to save a baby that isn't wanted and is likely to have long term demanding care requirements?


My cousin was born at 26 weeks, weighing just 2lbs 2oz (1 kilo).


He survived, and is a healthy 25 year old, now.


His family were fortunate, as he has no lasting damage, which so many children who are born too soon have to endure. He is the exception which tends to prove the rule.

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Like I said about an hour ago, if you don't want a kid, don't get pregnant, simple! Abortion is murder IMO.


What a naive, uneducated opinion to take.

Nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester of pregnancy, as a foetus can not exist independent of the mother.


It's health is dependant on her health and can not be classed as a separate entity … it does not become life until the umbilical cord/ placenta allows it, or most importantly till the women makes her choice.


So do tell me Rich, what should the sentence be for what you call murder?

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That is because you wanted your baby, as for you it was already a child with a future that you had been thinking about... Think about something you aren't bothered about, and then think about those who move heaven and earth to have it... This could be anything, could even be an addiction... Some people will never want to be parents, and some people may only want to be parents within a very specific background (partner/home/cash flow etc)


Your right, I said in my first post that I don't think that a question like this has a right or a wrong answer, because what is right for one person isn't for another.

I can say what I think, or what I think I would do in a situation but I suppose untill it happens you don't really know.

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I think abortion is a very sensitive subject that isn't black and white. There are so many reasons for an abortion and each situation can be unique. For instance what if a woman was raped and then became pregnant because of that? Could a woman be criticised for wanting to abort the child in this case? Imagine finding out you were a product of rape. I don't think anyone really knows how they'd feel about being pregnant and having an abortion until they were in that situation. It's not something I've ever had happen to me but I knew someone who at the age of 21 had had 3 abortions due to accidents. I didn't agree with that though.

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At the very early stages of pregnancy I'd say any reason at all is acceptable, as I don't personally believe at that point it's actually a human being. Therefore the only human in the equation is the woman herself and so it's entirely up to her what she does, she should not and does not have to justify herself to anyone.

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I'm not ready.


I can't support it financially.


I want to live my life first.


Are any of these good enough reasons to kill your unborn child?


I don't think there needs to be any justification given at all, because she wants to is all that should be required.

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How do you reach that opinion? What do you think 'murder' means?


Murder is the killing of another person, abortion is killing a baby person, go figure.


Do you see?

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