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What do you think is an acceptable reason to have an abortion?

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A woman not wanting a child for any reason is a good enough reason to terminate a pregnancy, planned or otherwise.


For those who have stated that all abortion is wrong should try to appreciate that life is not black and white and as others have stated, no contraception other than abstinence is 100% safe. Furthermore, circumstances may also change part way through a pregnancy.


Most women whom I know have had an abortion at some time and I do not know of a single one of them who regrets it, even when she has gone on to have children in later life. Better to regret an abortion than to regret having had an unwanted child, in my opinion.


There are a lot of myths about the psychological and emotional damage of having a termination, that is not to say that it may the case for some women but many see it as the only option open to them and although it is a thoroughly unpleasant procedure and the health professionals tend to treat them like feckless idiots, they are for the majority relieved once it is over and just get on with their lives.

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I find it quite disgusting when people seek to deliberately conflate late term abortions, which make up 1% of total abortions in the UK, with the 90% that occur before 13 weeks.


A late term abortion is not something that is done because the woman has suddenly decided that she's not ready. It is nearly always a much wanted child, and undertaken because of serious complications.



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Murder is the killing of another person, abortion is killing a baby person, go figure.


Do you see?


Actually Rich, it isn't. The actus reus of murder requires the victim to be a human being.


A-G ref (No 3 of 1994) [1998] AC 245 states that:

A foetus is not classed as a human being and therefore a person who kills a foetus can not be charged with murder.


R v Malcherek and Steel [1981] 2 ALL ER states that:

A foetus becomes a human being when it has been fully expelled from it mother and has an independent existence.


There is a potential charge of 'child destruction'; this can only be applied in cases where a foetus is more than 24 weeks' gestation.

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I think its a personal choice. A choice anyone should be able to have. BUT to use it as a form of contraception is disgusting.


Would I be able to through one - I can't honestly answer it as I have never been in that position. The only situation I could think of, that I would go through with one, is if it happened through being raped.

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