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Should we boycott fruit and veg from Supermarkets if Govt. backs down?

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Farmers plead poverty all the time it is part and parcel of the job.


and they all drive big cars....and drive slow tractors while your trying to get to the seaside....i never buy fruit and veg or meat from a supermarket...its low quality and crap....use your local greengrocer and butcher...much better quality...but you'll pay more for it....

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and they all drive big cars....and drive slow tractors while your trying to get to the seaside....i never buy fruit and veg or meat from a supermarket...its low quality and crap....use your local greengrocer and butcher...much better quality...but you'll pay more for it....


I go scromping..........

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what for bananas.....and oranges.....and a nice piece of rump steak...that my friend is called rustling...


Was picking banana's and mango's off the trees in my garden in January.


As for the steak a walk in the park can sort that out, if you like your steak rare.


Rare breeds. LOL.

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"Should we boycott fruit and veg from Supermarkets if Govt. backs down?"


No, farmers should adapt or sell up.



Many have sold up, what we goona do when they all have, we'll have to import it all as we do with manufactured goods because we don't make much anymore.

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Many have sold up, what we goona do when they all have, we'll have to import it all as we do with manufactured goods because we don't make much anymore.


If that many have sold up then it must have been because they were not competitive enough. Farmers have been enjoying high prices for a long time and are now moaning as they cant make the same profits as before. According to that report so many have gone bust that I'm surprised that there are any left at all.


Quote; "The NFU says that at least one dairy farmer in Britain has gone out of business every day for a decade." 3650 if true? which only shows that too many existed in the first place and also that market conditions have changed.


Food prices in the past have been regulated to keep them artificially high and now people are used to having cheaper food thanks to supermarkets. If its cheaper to import food then that the way it will be, the same as it is for other items.

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Farmers have been enjoying high prices for a long time and are now moaning as they cant make the same profits as before..


Dairy farmers certainly haven't. They've been ripped off over milk pricing for too long.


Its all well and good having Fairtrade products in supermarkets helping some farmer at the other side of the world, but how about British farmers.

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