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How do you keep calm in a tense or difficult situation?

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Agree to disagree, everyone has their own opinions forged from experience, rather than letting things escalate play things down and if possible add a little humour - it may seem a cop-out to agree to disagree but if you have the foresight that continuing the argument is not going to get a result - cut your losses:cool:

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I have to keep calm often, if I'm faced with a situation or person which would normally stress me or anger me, or if I'm just finding it may be hard to respond properly under pressure I use a method that most would regard a little "new agey" but it's much simpler than that.


Basically I focus, by emptying my mind first. As in, try to stop thinking, don't think of anything. Then it's easier to think about/deal with the matter in hand. Think of it like a quick reset/reboot on your brain.


There are plenty of different focusing techniques that people have been using for years, it's just basic psychology, that works.


When you panic or stress, too many thoughts can try to happen at once, like gridlock preventing you from thinking straight.

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it depends on the situation. Sometimes I freak out completely, and sometimes I just do what needs to be done.

eg - on Sunday I was driving home and I knew my O/H was on his way home on his MTB. I looked into the park near where we live just in time to see him go A over T.


I parked the car, rang a friend who lived nearby and asked them to come and collect the bike, got the OH in the car and took him to hospital. simple.


If I cant get my computer do do what I want it to, it almost goes through the window.

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