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Whats happened to the Leadmill...


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What the good gravy has happened to my beloved Leadmill since I've been in Brum? I went tonight because I'm on reading week and yes, it was full of students (I'd expected that), but there were also loads of chavs (on Indie/Electro night), and 3 fights at the end! I went every single week in the summer and not a peep?!!

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Originally posted by lilemma22

I know everyone is loving indie which i suppose is a gud thing, but i don't want it attracting the wrong crowd. People don't seem to apprictiate the music anymore they only like it cus its cool and commercial.



'Does my head in'


Unfortunately, every scene implodes when it gains popularity, and gets more and more mainstream until everyone gets bored of it and looks for something else underground or cool.

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Originally posted by noseyrosie

What the good gravy has happened to my beloved Leadmill since I've been in Brum? I went tonight because I'm on reading week and yes, it was full of students (I'd expected that), but there were also loads of chavs (on Indie/Electro night), and 3 fights at the end! I went every single week in the summer and not a peep?!!


several things I think.


1. Wednesday were at home and they took a panning.


2. Indie is now mainstream so you get all your little idiots going along.


3. for me, the Leadmill has been going down hill for the last 10 years. It used to have such a good friendly vibe on all nights with people genuinely there for the music and to enjoy themselves. Now the music they play is cheesy pap and mainstream indie. Bring back the old Joyrider.


4. the dance scene died. all the rlaph lauren shirt wearing crowd no longer frequent Gatecrasher. Indie si the new thing so you get local idiots 9and I'm a local btw) going to the Leadmill instead. same thing happened to a lesser degree with Urban Gorilla.

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