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Whats happened to the Leadmill...


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Originally posted by robbie

4. the dance scene died. all the rlaph lauren shirt wearing crowd no longer frequent Gatecrasher. Indie si the new thing so you get local idiots 9and I'm a local btw) going to the Leadmill instead. same thing happened to a lesser degree with Urban Gorilla.


Thats probably because the bouncers on gatecrasher are the biggest ***** ever. They have a paddy at you for turning up in a polo shirt and say your too casual bla.


Also maybe because its rubbish there now anyway, they play cheesey pop music in the main room...


Leadmill is an ok club but i have noticed idiots in there recently aswell.

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Originally posted by grownsy

i would windmill in and smash all 3 of them!!


I picture that and LMAO! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


I haven't been in the Leadmill for years. It's disappointing when you read about a place that holds loads of good memories, is going down the pan :(

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Don't get me wrong, last time I went - before I left, so mid September - it was the best atmosphere ever, I went on a Monday every single week from about May (except when I was on hols). I'd never been on a Wednesday until last night, and I wasn't too impressed, but I put that down to the fact that there were obviously less people I knew (they're all at uni now too) and more Sheffield students (bloody dirty ones...one was sick on my feet!:rant: ), but really it was not normal - unfriendly...I hope it changes at Christmas when I'm back...

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Originally posted by ridofme

ahh indie seems to be the 'in' thing at the mo with people,


'Indie' is becoming more commercialised - bands such as The Libertines, The Datsuns et al seem to be listened to by more and more people... ...I like indie as it isn't commericialised.


Originally written by Robbie 'Slugger not Lovin'


"2. Indie is now mainstream so you get all your little idiots going along."


I still think that it isn't that mainstream as not 'everyone' would have Lost Horizons by Lemon Jelly or Amnesiac by Radiohead, whereas more people would probably have (IMO) dross by Westlife et al.




P.S I followed this from the socially inept thread.

P.P.S Are you 'ridofme' because you're a fan of indie music, and therefore PJ Harvey's 'Rid Of Me' album?


My first 'Going Out' post - :D

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Never been a fan of the Leadmill, tend to only go if there's a band I really want to see there. Then have to be dragged kicking and screaming.


BUT, on the rare occasions I have been in the last couple of years I have noticed a change in the crowd.


Gone are the days of trainers and boots........I was totally horrified when I went a couple of years ago and noticed stilettos and handbags.....why would you wear strappy shoes to somewhere like the Leadmill.....the toilets.....the horror...Just seemed like any other bog standard night club rather than the shrine of indie it used to be.


Even worse was the new trend of standing and posing on the dance floor rather than dancing (though notice this is creeping in at corpo too...IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO DANCE GO AND STAND SOMEWHERE ELSE THEN YOU WON'T HAVE TO GET ARSEY WHEN I BUMP INTO YOU)


Shocked to read about fights at Corpo...been going for years now (to both sites) and maybe I've been lucky but I've never seen a fight there. Maybe its because I only go on a Friday or Saturday.

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