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Old Corporation - when did it shut?

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Just been having a conversation about the old Corporation club down near Argos way....


I am thinking it shut in about 2002 or so??? But my friend says it must have been well before that. Can anyone settle this for me??


I still love the fact when you Google Corporation you still see a comment that it includes a skate ramp and free Playstation bars....ahhh those were the days.

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I *think* it was about Easter 2001 - because Planet Zogg started in the Otherside bar at Corpoartion in Sept 2000 & ran monthly & we were going to do a May Bank Holiday special - but Corporation closed at Bank St - so we did it at the Arches instead (where we stayed until that closed in Nov 2003 - though it did stagger on for a few more months).


If my memory serves me well - Copr used the Arches during the summer of 2001 while the old Courtroom was being sorted out - but that fell through and they then moved to what had been the Unit, and where they still are.

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So gutted I never got to go to the old corporation. I just missed it really. I've been going since 2003 now.

The nights have changed as the market's moved along (you can't blame corp for that, they are a business after all!) Corps an "alternative" club now, not a rock club. Saturday nights downstairs are the only nights worth it for me now. I've been a Monday kid, a Friday kid, and now I'm a Saturday bloke haha! Monday's and Fridays are too loaded with annoying kids now!

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I'd recommend the first Saturday of the month if you're into your rock music! The other Saturdays are still good but upstairs is dubstep for some bizarre reason... Still a good laugh though, and tends to have a much much better vibe than Monday's and Friday's now!

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Thanks for the replies.....


Time has flown, and I feel old.


Not half - i remember the old corperation when it was Cairo Jax, and prior to that Romeo and Juliets, over the years i've done them all.

Not really settled on a club these days - still do Casba occasionally, DQ, but mainly stay in the bars till late

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