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Ladies... what turns you on!?


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Ok I'll not be too graphic....




*kissing ever so gently, then with a bit of tongue, getting more passionate.... ;)


*Kisses on the neck and gentle nibbles at the bottom of the ear lobe.... ;)


*hair stroking, sensually ;)


....and if thats all going well, then hold her close, stroke her bum and she'll be all yours :)


If she's anything like me anyways!

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Well you already know some of my bizzare tastes such as men who aint afraid to wear eyeliner....: P


...but the hidden romantic in me screams


being held by someone you really fancy, their hand on your waist, skin against skin, warm breath on your neck as they move their hand up into your hair and as your lips touch, your bodies melt together......:blush:


Im gonna go lie down in a dark room now....people are gonna think Im some closet Mills and Boon freak :wink"

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Originally posted by hiyabeing

That's a bit RUDE Jamie.

Of Brad Pitt turns people on - then thats their answer to ur question and u can't complain.

Personally - several pints of lager or vodka's n redbull works for me (unless I fall to sleep)!!!!!



Nothing wrong with the Brad Pitt answer there HiyaBeing ... aside from being on the short side (the answer, not mr Pitt).


A little more elaboration would have been nice ...


i.e. What is it about him that floats your boat ?

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I didn't say that Brad Pitt was my answer - just that he might be other peoles - personally i'm more of a brendan frazer / john Cusack girl.

Brendan - coz he's so gaddamn sexy (California Man style) and John Cusack also coz he's so goddamn sexy (but in a more geeky boy next door way).

And there's probably more.. but I can never remember more than 2 things at once!!!


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