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Do you remember Rowlinson Technical in the 60's


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Mr.Shipley was our form teacher in 1967? he used to ride a motor scooter

(before he had all his kids). Did he teach french?

Does anyone remember an american lady who taught us french for a short period I think her name was Miss Grall?

Who remembers when we first got the language lab which, if I can remember correctly had access up to the telescope.

Who was the history teacher who had a funny habit of tweaking his chin.

Do you remember Paddy Ireland who used to play for Chesterfield Tube Works. Pengy Parnham, Pea Green, Mr.Mee etc.etc.


Hi Mr.Freedom


Was the history teacher your are referring to Alf Garnet? - the guy who taught about the 'Plinting Press' and the 'Blidges and the Loads'.


I remember being sat there in one of Derek Shipley's french lessons when somone came to the door and told him that Yorkshire Television wanted to interview him because is wife had just given birth to quads - he nearly collapsed in amazement! Quite a few people on SF have complained about Derek Shipley's ability as a Careers teacher. He never once gave me careers advice and and I still turned out to be a numpty, so he couldn't have been all bad. In fact looking back he was one of the most conscientious teachers there and I had quite a lot of respect for him. The language lab seemed quite an interesting addition to the school at the time, but I suppose it would when the second most interesting thing we had there was the slide rule.


If my memory is correct Paddy Ireland came from Clay Cross and had gone to school at Chesterfield Grammar School as it was at that time. He left about 1968 to work abroad - the Bahamas rings a bell, but I can't be sure.


Pengy Parnham was the small, Inconspicuous observer in a sea of boys, the day John Price took the dumper truck for a ride into someones car.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Remember 'Pea Green ' when he came as a student teacher around 1963 - he had a funny twitch in his right arm that caused a lot of amusement when walked down the corridor - also remember a lad in our year called Adams being expelled by Yak for refusing to have his Beatle haircut trimmed - there is a Rowlinson Old Boys website run by Peter Rodger but it dosn't seem have been updated for a couple of years - there's some interesting old form photos on it

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I went to Rowlinson from '62 to'67. I bump into mr. Garnett now and then, he's in his 70's but still looks 60. Keith Ibbotson died around 10 years ago and mr Askham last year. I was in Huntsman with Phil Markham, John Barker, Jonathan Ash, Gordon Brindley, Dave Edwards, Philip Wright, David Mason, Mick Lunt, Ken Nettleship( who I still see now and again). I'm Keith Williams if anyone remembers me! and can anyone fill in the rest of the class names?

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I don't remember Rowlinson (it probably had not been built when I left for the USA in 1957 ), but I do remember Mr Kay.

He was our Headmaster at Carfield Intermediate in the 1940's.Of all the teachers I had durring my educational years, he was the standout. He treated everyone fairly and with respect (even the troublemakers like me).

On one occasion he gave me four strokes of the cane on my hands, which I have always felt was well deserved.

Mr Kay was indeed a remarkable, gentle man.

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  • 3 months later...
I went to Rowlinson Technical in 1966.

The head was Mr Charles Kay (known as Yak)

The deputy head was Cyril Askham, called Toj after the Japanese WWII emperor Tojo (both small, bald and round glasses)

"Fred" Barker taught history.

"Pop" Ellins was my first form master (he taught maths).

"Buzz" was Rutherford.

The Hammer Horror enlish teacher was Stephen Clarke who we called Adam Adament (after the TV show).

French was taught by Spike Godfrey and Mr Shipley.

Art was run by John "Killer" Holmes and Mike Hildred.

Others I remember are:

Alan Benskin - Geography

Mr Holt - Physics

"Harry" Roberts - Chemistry

Keith Ibbotson - PE

Mr Reddish - RE

Mr Copeland - Woodwork


I'll add to the list when memory returns if anyone is interested.


Stayed until 6th form in early 70's. Was friendly with Yvonne Spink if anyone knows her.


Hi Giotto

My best mate in junior school (St Joseph's Walkley) left to start at Rowlinson in '66- you might know him- Andrew O Dea? I've lost touch since, as I went to De La Salle, boy's grammar.

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  • 1 month later...

I'am sure some of you guys below are on one of these fotos.


world wide web dot pes-systems.es/fotos/rowlinson1960


The man with the hat was a maths teacher who took us climbing once a week.


Addy; Bamforth; Bettison; Brown; Danks; Davison; Fisher; Fovargue; Gill; Globe; Goode; Guite; Hall; Hilton; Hopkins; Liversedge; MacDonald; Nixon; Owen, Parkinson; Pearce; Rowlinson; Shaw; Shaw; Simm; Skelton; Waite; Westwood: Wetherall


Regards Paul Simm

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