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Has Obama's election fuelled the rise of far right groups & terrorists?

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I think the hysteria associated with his election had as much to do with his intellect, oratory skills and the eye candy factor reminiscent of JFK, as much as his blackness-he's clearly one very talented individual and being black only serves to prove that (theoretically) in America you can achieve anything-that's quite an inspiring belief for everyone there, not just black folks.


I thought it was because he's Irish? :D

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Jonny Dymond, your source is a convicted criminal and drug user, no doubt part of requirement to be able to write the way he does is to be spaced out.


So you're disputing the rise of the far right in the US on the back of Obama's election success? Suzy Rice is expressing an opinion, Dymond appears to be highlighting a fact-his affection for cannabis doesn't alter that.

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I find it unsettling that the majority of these race hate groups are, or allege to be, affiliated to Christian organisations. When are we going to see wholesale condemnation by the churches in the USA of these groups?

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the Left who hear his lofty tones respond with increased rage and acting-out with increased violence upon others who are not among the Left.


This Left Madness — already well identified —


Do you think Barack Obama is politically left wing? :confused:


John X

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So you're disputing the rise of the far right in the US on the back of Obama's election success? Suzy Rice is expressing an opinion, Dymond appears to be highlighting a fact-his affection for cannabis doesn't alter that.


He asks the question and we never know, he could just be making it up just like Johann Hari another political journalist caught out lying.


So criminal convictions don't matter now or the fact that he's a drug abuser?

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During his Election campaign I supported Obama, due to his stance regarding Autism. Now I'm not so sure about him, he's better than Bush though, George W and his old man Bush senior.

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He asks the question and we never know, he could just be making it up just like Johann Hari another political journalist caught out lying.


"Hate crimes against ethnic minorities rising since Obama victory, civil rights groups say


White supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Council of Conservative Citizens have seen a flood of interest from possible new members since the landmark election of the first black president in US history."



So criminal convictions don't matter now or the fact that he's a drug abuser?


I wouldn't be too troubled by a journalist who got caught with 2 grams of pot, it's hardly crime of the century.


You should be careful judging people by their criminal records Streamline, after all the BNP can hardly hold their heads high in that regard ;)

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There is some further evidence here to indicate a worrying surge in the far right.


But last year, as noted in the SPLC’s August report, "The Second Wave: Return of the Militias," a dramatic resurgence in the Patriot movement and its paramilitary wing, the militias, began. Now, the latest SPLC count finds that an astonishing 363 new Patriot groups appeared in 2009, with the totals going from 149 groups (including 42 militias) to 512 (127 of them militias) — a 244% jump.



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"Hate crimes against ethnic minorities rising since Obama victory, civil rights groups say


White supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Council of Conservative Citizens have seen a flood of interest from possible new members since the landmark election of the first black president in US history."





I wouldn't be too troubled by a journalist who got caught with 2 grams of pot, it's hardly crime of the century.


You should be careful judging people by their criminal records Streamline, after all the BNP can hardly hold their heads high in that regard ;)



You're telling me to be careful when it was you who decided in the first place to deride the source I used?


Nice of you to bring up the BNP but would you like to talk about crime and race for a change?


Oh and thanks for trotting out an article from 2008. Does this sort of race card press get used everytime there's talk of an election?

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