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Public Sector Pay

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For the permanent staff (not the temps who cover this absence).....6 months on full pay.
then dont forget 6 months on half pay. i asked for a foi from the council in august last year wanting to know how much it payed out in sickness payments for the years 2008-2009 guess what im still waiting. council eh :hihi:
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I've had the same cover in every permanent (private) job I've had. What makes you think it's something special?


That was commonly the case, but is becoming less so. For a number of years now our company has not paid anybody who is sick, they can take holiday or not get paid. I had a row with the MD over an employee who was off work for a month to nurse his dying wife, and he didn't get paid. I considered resigning over the issue. From talking with my peers, I realise that many companies are now removing sick pay when they get the opportunity. I fear it's going the same way as pensions I'm afraid. :(

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Because sick people still need to eat.

It's part of the contract between company and employee, have the bad luck to get ill, still get paid, a small risk taken by the company and a benefit to the employee.


Whether you do or don't really has no bearing on the issue, you also mis-characterise it as being paid for being sick, which is wrong, it's being paid whilst being sick.

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sick pay is available in the private sector anyway, as are paid holidays, the old days are long gone. not all emplyers pay sick, but they do all give paid holidays (20min plus bank hols), insurance schemes often cover the cost of sick pay normally after 1-3 days unpaid sickness.


for many many years private sector employees have had the benefit of vastly superior pay rises than the public sector, during the boom years of the 90s and 2000s. Labour attempted to redress this balance by pumping money into public sector wages, retaining the existing benefits (final salary pension, paid sick, 27-33 days holday +bank hols etc).

At the same time the very generous private sector schemes started to die off as greedy companies stopped paying in and started closing them down. many private sector employees took pension holidays and paid absolutely nothing into pensions, some were sensible and saved.

we've now reached the point in the cycle where the private sector has dies back and now dont match the public sector in terms of wages and pensions in some cases.


come the next economy swing, back to the private sector, i dont forsee those people turning down their inflation x 2 pay rises etc , as being more fair to the public sector who will trundle on getting basic inflation rises.


everything comes round in time, and the working sector dont need to fight each other remorselessly over it.

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