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Boycott the companies who advertise in News of the World

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A number of companies have already withdrawn their advertising from News of the World. These include Halifax, Co-op, Vauxhall, Butlins, Virgin Holidays and Ford. Others are considering their position.


How about helping them along by phoning their press office and saying that you’ll boycott their products if they continue to advertise in Murdoch’s grubby rag. Damaging their commercial interests is the only language these big companies understand. Here are some of the biggest players. There’s a longer list on the Guardian’s website


Everything Everywhere (Orange and TMobile) – 01707 315000

Proctor & Gamble - 01932 896090O2 - 01753565656

Tesco - 0800 505555

Hutchinson - 0845 603 8333

Boots - 0115 959 5995

ASDA - 0113 243 5435

Vodafone - 01635 664444

Shop Direct - 0844 292 4799


Unless you purchase say own brand products best of luck checking all the labels to see if its a P&G product.



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A number of companies have already withdrawn their advertising from News of the World. These include Halifax, Co-op, Vauxhall, Butlins, Virgin Holidays and Ford. Others are considering their position.


Until it blows over. The notion that they give a monkeys is laughable, this is about good PR.


If these companies really wanted to make a statement, they'd cancel their advertising across the Murdoch empire, that isn't happening.

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I posted this in another thread but I will put it here too. Johnston Press who own the Sheffield Star also print for News International (they own NOTW). So should we boycott the Sheffield Star?


Indeed. Also, how many of the people clamouring for a boycot of the NotW are planning to boycot Sky and cease their subscriptions? Not many I'll wager.

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A number of companies have already withdrawn their advertising from News of the World. These include Halifax, Co-op, Vauxhall, Butlins, Virgin Holidays and Ford. Others are considering their position.


How about helping them along by phoning their press office and saying that you’ll boycott their products if they continue to advertise in Murdoch’s grubby rag. Damaging their commercial interests is the only language these big companies understand. Here are some of the biggest players. There’s a longer list on the Guardian’s website


Everything Everywhere (Orange and TMobile) – 01707 315000

Proctor & Gamble - 01932 896090

O2 - 01753565656

Tesco - 0800 505555

Hutchinson - 0845 603 8333

Boots - 0115 959 5995

ASDA - 0113 243 5435

Vodafone - 01635 664444

Shop Direct - 0844 292 4799


Shouldn't you add a phone number for Unite Union? I believe that their members print the paper and if they quit on mass printing would grind to a halt.

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Shouldn't you add a phone number for Unite Union? I believe that their members print the paper and if they quit on mass printing would grind to a halt.


Not heard that I think Murdoch got rid of the unions out of his print shops long ago?

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So where did they think the stories were coming from?


And if they didn't know, why not? Part of the responsibility of running a company is taking responsibility for what your staff are doing.


They are not stupid but they are arrogant, and they thought they were powerful enough to get away with it. They thought they could buy favours from the police by paying bribes and from politicians by supporting their campaigns. Now the whole house of cards is falling down.


If you bought the News of the World during this period, the money you paid went towards the cost of hiring a private detective to hack into a dead girl's mobile phone. If you continue to buy the News of the World I think you're saying you think that kind of think is OK. Surely nobody with an ounce of decency would buy this paper now?


what about those people who print and distribute it, the people who deliver it to the shops, the newsagent who sells it and finally the paper boy who puts it through the letter box....like it or not that paper alone.....keeps the rest of the rags in business....it out sells all the others put together...if asda pull their adverts...sainsburys would fill the gap....

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what about those people who print and distribute it, the people who deliver it to the shops, the newsagent who sells it and finally the paper boy who puts it through the letter box....like it or not that paper alone.....keeps the rest of the rags in business....it out sells all the others put together...if asda pull their adverts...sainsburys would fill the gap....



...Sainsbury's have already pulled theirs, so too have Tesco (even!) apparently The Screws is not having any ad's in it at all this week.

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If you bought the News of the World during this period, the money you paid went towards the cost of hiring a private detective to hack into a dead girl's mobile phone. If you continue to buy the News of the World I think you're saying you think that kind of think is OK. Surely nobody with an ounce of decency would buy this paper now?


And they let people with comments like this be Admin then?.

So the people that buy the NoTW this week have no decency?!?!.:rant:

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