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Boycott the companies who advertise in News of the World

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Next week I am boycotting anyone who advertises in the NOtW.


No you won't, the papers dead and buried but i suspect this was in the pipe line a few weeks ago and Murdoch will have something else in place under a new name.Probably along the lines of the

'The Sunday Turd'

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You are right, the BBC has just said that the domain name for the Sun on Sunday was registered a couple of days ago.


According to the lookup it was by a non-trading individual, so might be someone trying to make a quick buck.


Domain name:






Registrant type:

UK Individual


Registrant's address:

The registrant is a non-trading individual who has opted to have their

address omitted from the WHOIS service.



Webfusion Ltd t/a 123-reg [Tag = 123-REG]

URL: http://www.123-reg.co.uk


Relevant dates:

Registered on: 05-Jul-2011

Renewal date: 05-Jul-2013

Last updated: 07-Jul-2011


Registration status:

Registration request being processed.


Name servers:



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Shouldn't you add a phone number for Unite Union? I believe that their members print the paper and if they quit on mass printing would grind to a halt.


I bet the sacked NOTW staff wished they were members of a Trade union after this evenings shenanigans. Never mind, the NOTW always told us how easy it is to live off state benefits so they should be OK.

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I bet the sacked NOTW staff wished they were members of a Trade union after this evenings shenanigans. Never mind, the NOTW always told us how easy it is to live off state benefits so they should be OK.


LOLOLOLOL i would use that paper for cat litter only LOLOLOLOL but in saying that What about the police who took back handers shock horror lol as if those lovely policemen would do such a thing ............. and as for all the others that took back handers too well not saying a word..:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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It has been announced that the News of the World is to close after the next edition. No one has said how many jobs are to be lost. But well done to all those who drove them to this.


All thanks to the Murdoch then. Sacrificing his workforce to save his worthless reputation.

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What a load of crap.


I'll be buying the New Of The World tomorrow just out of spite. I have also just topped up my O2 mobile.


It'll be the last souvenier edition then. Save it for a while, and you'll be able to flog it on Ebay

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Having failed to pin all the blame on one journalist, Murdoch is now going to try and pretend that the lies, bribery and blackmailing which his organisation uses to spread it's dirt and interfere in the democratic process in several countries, is confined to one paper in one country.


As we speak, Murdoch is attempting to close this paper down and re-open it under a new name, even attempting to avoid sacking the editorial director who presided over these criminal acts.


If he did not weald such massive, unelected power, his organisation would be severly penalised, and forbidden to expand their rot any further.


Whether there are enough politicians and ranking police who are neither part of his clique nor too afraid of reprisals to take the neccessary action to relieve our society of some of the influence of this cancerous mole, remains to be seen.

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And they let people with comments like this be Admin then?.

So the people that buy the NoTW this week have no decency?!?!.:rant:


I'm not sure why you think the Admin Team aren't entitled to have views about this matter? For the avoidance of doubt though I have posted on this thread as a forum user and the comments are mine and mine alone.


Obviously everything has changed now, but if the News of the World wasn't closing then I would say anyone who continued to buy or read it had no decency.


The journalists and hackers who broke into a murdered girl's phone were paid by News International. News International were (and are) paid by people who buy their papers and advertisers who are attracted by large circulation figures.


Continuing to line Murdoch's pockets by buying his paper says to me that you don't care about what happened. That's fine - you're entitled to your opinion just as much as I am. My opinion is that this newspaper, and anyone who was prepared to continue to support it despite all that we know is morally bankrupt.


The real question is this: Who exactly are they trying to protect? Yesterday it looked like they were trying to throw Andy Coulson to the wolves, yet that wasn't enough. Today they've thrown the whole paper to the wolves, yet Rebekah Brooks keeps her job. They could probably have made this all go away by sacking her, apologising and promising it would never happen again. So why are they so keen to protect her? What exactly does she know?

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