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Ex Cameron man Coulson, to be arrested tomorrow

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I and many others petitioned that the decision be overturned.


Which shows just how much notice politicians take note of their own members.


And besides, if Coulson was that close to the Tory party, why were many tory ministers said to have had their phones hacked as well?


It's not only about Coulson, you know?


One dodgy friend could be forgiven, two is shameful - to say the least - especially for a PM, let alone an MP.


one, that cameron knew all about it and chose to ignore it


"The Prime Minister cannot claim in defence that he was naively drawn in to this lethal circle. He was warned – many times. Shortly before the last election he was explicitly told about the company he was keeping.".


Just to make sure that he was able to do this thoroughly they allowed him an additional 24 hours grace before having to present himself for arrest.


Is there a suggestion of police collusion hidden in there?;)

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Maybe the reatiner hadn't quite run out? :) (allegedly I may add)


I'm sure Coulson isn't without the 30-40 grand required fee.


Think I'll stop there, before we get into litigation territory;).

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you are either saying one of two things here:


one, that cameron knew all about it and chose to ignore it. something that there is not one piece of evidence to back up and contrary to camoerons own assertions that he knew nothing about it.




two, you are some kind of super human who can see through any lie.


neither of which are plausible. the only certainty is, is that you hate the tories, which is fair enough, but you need to have a better argument than this.




What I'm saying is, is that Coulson came with a lot of baggage from his NOTW days and he was warned by colleagues, who's advice he chose to ignore.

Remember that Coulson resigned as editor of the News of the World in 2007 when its royal editor, Clive Goodman, was jailed for conspiracy to access phone messages and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire was imprisoned for six months on the same charge.

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What I'm saying is, is that Coulson came with a lot of baggage from his NOTW days and he was warned by colleagues, who's advice he chose to ignore.

Remember that Coulson resigned as editor of the News of the World in 2007 when its royal editor, Clive Goodman, was jailed for conspiracy to access phone messages and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire was imprisoned for six months on the same charge.


cameron was given assurances too. so on one hand people are telling him this guy a a crook, while others are saying the opposite. the guy was camerons friend also so he gave him the benefit of the doubt. a mistake was made, but this is not something exclusive to cameron. both brown and and blair were friends of the ginger woman who was in charge, whose name eludes me this morning :)

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the guy was camerons friend also so he gave him the benefit of the doubt. a mistake was made


Which is fine. But what's his excuse going to be with regards to the minging Brooks?

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cameron was given assurances too. so on one hand people are telling him this guy a a crook, while others are saying the opposite. the guy was camerons friend also so he gave him the benefit of the doubt. a mistake was made, but this is not something exclusive to cameron. both brown and and blair were friends of the ginger woman who was in charge, whose name eludes me this morning :)




Have a look at this Alan Rusbridger interview esp around 4:50 mins.




As for Cameron giving Coulson a 'second chance', Coulson's job was Camerons director of communications, not for a place on a youth opportunity scheme!

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Which is fine. But what's his excuse going to be with regards to the minging Brooks?


Brooks is an employee of News International. He's already said he would have accepted her resignation, but what happens to her is nothing to do with him.

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Have a look at this Alan Rusbridger interview esp around 4:50 mins.




As for Cameron giving Coulson a 'second chance', Coulson's job was Camerons director of communications, not for a place on a youth opportunity scheme!


i didn't say he gave anyone a second chance, im saying cameron was told told two different stories and like any friend would do in such a situation he gave hem the benefit of the doubt and went with his word.


it has bit him on the ass but this is no biggy, all it proves is politicians are just like us and can be lied to and suffer the consequences. again neither is this solely an issue with the pm as both brown and blair were close friends of rebekah brooks. brown like cameron attended her wedding.


the only way this would turn out to be a big deal was if cameron was proven to have known about the hacking and ignored it, but that couldn't be further from the truth at present.


this whole issue is about doubebag journalist who have gone so far over board it is unthinkable. just listen to Paul McMullen's comments here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkeSJLgzG8k. the guy is a shister of the top order and nothing to do with the pm or the government.

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