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Lodge moor council flats- rehoming problem people?

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We recently went for a 3 bed house on Westminster Crescent so the area must be for a mixture of people and I really don't see why old people alone shoud get allocated the nicest areas in Sheffield to live. I do think the present system for letting is very unfair and open to abuse and should be changed. I've known people who've 'split up with their partners' and 'become homeless' in order to get priority and thus first pick at most of the properties that come up. They miraculously got back together again once they'd got a house. This wouldn't have happened under the old sytem where you put your name down, you chose your area and you waited until you were at the top of the list. In the present system it is not unheard of to have 25 years waiting time for certain areas and there will always be people with priority in front of you.

I fail to see why somebody who has only lived in the country for a year or even less should be allocated council property but it's a fact that this happens. I know I'll be accused of being a racist for this comment but I fail to see how stating facts can be mistaken for racism


i dont think its should be all old timers either, but 50+? that would ensure a reasonable profile, and again my point is that single young people (regardless of country of origin) will only ever cause grief for that age group if they live in communal flats.

single males (alcoholics) who dont work and have no intention of doing so surely dont make good 2 bed flat owners either in a block of 70 somethings!


i've never rented or been on council lists which is why it probably puzzles me as to the judgement criteria when awarding homes. just seems strange that one of the nicer council areas in sheffield isnt allocated purely to long term renters/waiting list people who have no issues/problems and will fit in.

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Westminster estate is "supposed" to be 40+ age group. They are rehousing these people usually via Charity's that support their particular problem. The thing is most of them find living out here is to out of the way for them and would prefer to be more inner city. As far as the alcoholics go, putting then within spitting distance of a pub is the weirdest idea yet!


Fortunately they seem to eventually move back out of the area, some not quick enough ;)


They are barred from the pub on their door step. Not that they could afford the prices!

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A number of vehicles got scratched in the Shiny Sheff car park some months back. This happened overnight and to regulars who have stood up to the folk that's been moved onto Westminster. This followed a serious incident in the pub and the barring of certain undesirables. Despite the pub having extensive CCTV and the police viewing what we deemed compelling evidence, no further action was taken.

Edited by Ousetunes
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would appear that slowly but surely the council are moving various non suitable people (age /type profile) in amongst the old folks on westminster crescent/road.

nearby to an elderly relative there is now a mix of recently rehomed persons who are between them:

alchoholic- male of around 40yrs age, non working, odd problem already with drunken antics.

mentally ill- another much younger male, with "problems", also non working.

Iranian /Iraqi female- approx 20 yrs old. already having noisy music and visitors late at night banging doors etc.


all within the last 2-3 years, placed in lovely 2 bed flats in a well kept area, mainly populated by elderly persons.


seems crazy to me that the council think this wont affect the elderly people many of whom have worked all their lives and retired, many of them having waited a heck of a long time to get a flat there and have a peaceful time in a nice spot, for council property.


this isnt a rant about the above "types" being given housing, if they are entitled then so be it, but why at lodge moor in amongst the totally wrong age profile? Certain there will be a long long list of suitable council tennants with waiting time gained.


When it was announced that there was going to be council properties on that plot, the locals said it would bring "un-desireables" and "council dwellers"to a nice area.

Is this the same sort of thing being said now???

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I wasn't born and bred in Woodhouse. I've lived here for six years and have noticed a definite change in the last couple of years. Not sure where the drunks come from but they sit drinking on the benches near where I live, leaving their bottles and cans all over the path and in the bushes - I'm sick of having to pick it up all the time. My dog has been badly injured on the rubbish previously.


Once again Rachels1980 i agree, i can relate to what you are saying. The worse thing is when your in bed, because you have to be up early for work and they are all shouting at each other at all hours.

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I have a mate who's wife can barely get up the stairs some days and they were told by the council that disability no loger gets priority. I don't know if they were just being fobbed off in the councils usual almighty manner or if it's true. The council seem to be able to bend the 'policy' however they like when they like.


Normally anyone who can't manage to live in their home is assessed. If they have a house with stairs, which they can't climb, they could get priority for ground floor accommodation. If your mate and his wife live in a family sized house they no longer need, they could also get priority via the Smartmove scheme, to downsize to a ground floor flat or a bungalow. But bear in mind there aren't a lot of council bungalows, especially if they want two bedrooms.


Section 15 of the Rehousing policy (mentioned earlier by mike84) states: '15.1. If an applicant thinks that their current home is unsuitable to their mobility needs they may ask to be assessed for mobility priority.

Plenty more about priority in here: http://www.sheffieldpropertyshop.org.uk/resources/Lettings%20Policy%20document.pdf?ID=21C2619321C4448591AD872A3E2B82DD

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Once again Rachels1980 i agree, i can relate to what you are saying. The worse thing is when your in bed, because you have to be up early for work and they are all shouting at each other at all hours.



Thanks. I wouldn't mind, but they're at it during the day, don't hear anything at night. When I take my dogs out, they're sitting on the benches, drunk, and it's intimidating. They're probably in their 40s/50s - old enough to know better. I once thought one of them was dead as he was just lying in the path and didn't move when my dogs went to sniff him! Quite scary. I've been out this morning and ended up with three bin bags full of bottles, cans, plastic bags and cups. Why should I have to clear up after these people every week? It's really getting me angry now.

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Thanks. I wouldn't mind, but they're at it during the day, don't hear anything at night. When I take my dogs out, they're sitting on the benches, drunk, and it's intimidating. They're probably in their 40s/50s - old enough to know better. I once thought one of them was dead as he was just lying in the path and didn't move when my dogs went to sniff him! Quite scary. I've been out this morning and ended up with three bin bags full of bottles, cans, plastic bags and cups. Why should I have to clear up after these people every week? It's really getting me angry now.


Send the Council a bill for cleaning up after them you shouldn't have to do this and you shouldn't feel intimidated when you walk the streets either.

We was on the list 25 yrs + before we got this house as that was the waiting time for here now we have an asian family moved in and a single mum with 2 kids who can only be in her very early 20s so how they managed to get a house here

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