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PM admits politicians too close to media bosses

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David Cameron admitted today that politicians got to close to media bosses but lets be clear that what he was actually saying is they have all danced to the Murdock tune.


He only made this admission to justify letting Coulson get close, to spread the blame of his own failings but I think that the implications of this statement coming from a PM of this country more than it first appears.


People have always suspected that this has been the case going back several PM's but its always been brushed a side as nonsense, usually put the label on that line of thought as 'conspiracy theory' and treated with contempt.


But lets just take a look at Murdock, the man consecutive PM's have jumped in to bed with, the 'king maker'.

He owns media throughout the western world, including the much influential FOX News in the US, and the power of this man seems boundless given the fact that no matter what his media empire puts out into the public domain it will be seen as news and picked up by other media organisations and reported on, no matter how much truth or fiction the story holds.


For this reason the size and power of his organisation it is the biggest propaganda machine in the western world and if they run a story that is totally unbelievable or illogical to anyone with independent thought all that you are left with is to try and ridicule and use satire to show how stupid some of the reporting and stories are, of which the empire of Murdock just rides with and carries on spewing out what ever they want without any sort of real regulation, checks or balance to the reporting.


Well I imagine a lot of you reading this are thinking yeh but whats your point and that we all know all this anyhow.


My point is to try and get us back a topic that has been done to death, The Iraq war, Afghanistan and even the steering of us toward a confrontation with Iran


Does this admission now by our PM give credibility to all those people that have been shouting from the roof tops, both here and the US, that we were all dragged into the these wars by the right wing in the US in collusion with the king maker and his brain washing media empire ?


Are we all here in the west victims of propaganda from within ?


Do we have and go along with foreign policies that are in the interest of a few at the hands of own media ?


Did Tony Blair get bought his Premiership with help from the king maker and pay it back by being a servant to others rather than the people of this county that he was meant to represent ?

Has he been paid off for his work after his political career here with the lucrative work he now enjoys ?


I know its all 'conspiracy theory' but it could just as easily be 'conspiracy fact'.

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I've always had a problem with the king maker theory of Rupert Murdoch. IMO, they (News International & their publications) don't make public opinion, they follow it. They follow public opinion because it will sell them more papers and make them more profit.

When they announced they were going to support Labour for 1997, the writing was already on the wall for John Major's government. Same last year, they switched to supporting the Conservatives once they sensed a swing away from Labour.

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