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Drought in the Horn of Africa?

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First let me say rhat I have no doubt that the people in the horn of Africa are suffering from devastating food shortages and need our help, but is it really the result of drought?


This famine was predicted 2 years ago.


In my usual capacity of not believing everything I hear on the news or read in the papers, does anyone have first hand information of the situation there?

Perhaps know someone in the aid agencies?


Rising food prices in Africa (result of massive speculation in the the rising commodities markets) were predicted to lead to mass starvation across the third world 2 years ago. Is the Horn of Africa just the start?


Food price inflation in this country means we all eat a bit less, in Africa it can mean starvation.

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So Oxfam








Medicins Sans Frontieres




among others are telling porkies about the drought?


Food prices are rising without a doubt




but scarcity of food will lead to rapidly increasing prices.

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Funny how we've not been told about the many wars that are waging over there; one of the main causes of so many problems in Africa.


And the fact that certain countries in the West are arming specific groups so that their interests are safe-guarded.


Such a disgusting cover-up by the mass media (and politicians).

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So Oxfam








Medicins Sans Frontieres




among others are telling porkies about the drought?


Food prices are rising without a doubt




but scarcity of food will lead to rapidly increasing prices.


Thankyou for links.

Last one in particular was helpful.


I didn't say aid agencies were telling porkies at all, rather the opposite.


But I no longer trust what I see on TV or in the media, and there are a lot more reasons for food prices to escalate than simply shortages

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Anyone think there might be drought/famine fatigue doing the rounds?


I spotted this story a couple of nights ago and I'm afraid my response was "Oh God, not again" but I saw a news item today showing a Belgian nurse who is trying to save lives on the ground, saving people, not just statistics or foreigners or Africans, real people.


That's the tragedy, that real peoples' suffering can be forgotten amongst the politics, the cynicism and the view that no matter how much aid is given there will still be starving babies in 5 years time.

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What we need to see is where our donations go; right from the start (from leaving our pockets), straight to the ones who need it.


Why has this never been done ? - why have these chain of events never been published or seen ?

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What happened to all the millions raised in the last 20 or so years for this area?


My thoughts exactly :at this moment in time charity begins at home .I have no confidence in the AID system to third world countries, sad but true.

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