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Drought in the Horn of Africa?

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No they aren't - the only similarity is that they include the word "commission" in their title.


You can find out what charities spend their money on here.




Charity Commission: statutory and impartial HMG Agency.

Press Complaints Commission: non-statutory, partial, non-HMG.

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Originally Posted by 2pac View Post

What problems have they solved with there billions? None.


Evidence please - all you do is make accusations - never backed up with facts.


I would think the fact that Africans are still starving and want more aid is evidence that money hasn’t solved their problems.

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Did you read my post?


Export of livestock to Saudi / Iran (the main hard currency earner for Somalia) - and simply arming of pro - Saudi / Iranian factions - "gifts" from fellow Muslims.

Hold on a minute they can feed and water livestock to trade for arms whilst we feed their families.

The certainly saw us coming from a long way off.

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No, I'm asking you to substantiate your post.

You say foreign aid is an investment, I'm asking where is my share of the returns.


And I’m saying it's plain to see. Just because we have the NHS doesn't mean we eradicate diseases. it means we make the situation much better than it could otherwise be. a quick look at the minerals and raw materials and trade from and with Africa and other developing countries tells you why 'their' problems can quickly become ours if we take the 'in our own borders' approach.

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Don't misquote me I said "maybe that's not such a bad idea the way most have gone downhill since independence."


It is people of your mentality who want to keep throwing money willy nilly down the drain that is Africa each year.

Will you be back again next year when the begging bowls are out again or will you finaly have seen the light?


Do you give to these charities bassman? In anticipation to your answer I couldn't give a flying fig for the reasons you do or don't. What does urinate me off is you telling me and others that their blind as to international politics, while at the same time you wouldn't know the complexity of IP if you swallowed them.


We all know war lords are cretins but at the same time we all see that innocent, I'll repeat, innocent people are dying for the want or need for basics..water and food. If every warlord downed weapons and became saints overnight there'd still be a famine. You've completely overlooked the fact that Somalia has again encountered sustained severe drought, and yet again you still babble on about pirates as if somehow a woman and her child are somehow responsible.


If you have a problem with your government giving then get down there and do a custard pie job on DC, or for Christ's sake shut the....


Yes I'll be back again next year if there's a famine or drought. I guess you you'll be there too like a leach ready to pontificate on how we should or shouldn't conduct ourselves in how we share what we have.

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Hold on a minute they can feed and water livestock to trade for arms whilst we feed their families.

The certainly saw us coming from a long way off.


Thats why at best our money we give allows them to buy more guns. At worse it buys the guns direct.

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