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Drought in the Horn of Africa?

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It's all a waste of time. People are dying because there are too many of them. Saving people today will just mean many times more people starving to death in 20 years time.


Nail on head. The money gullible people donated through live aid 20 years ago meant africans who might have died survived to go on and breed more and more children, with the result that now an overpopulated country is even more overpopulated. Until they stop breeding children they can't afford to breed, we should stop all aid to Africa.

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What a horrible inhumane load of rubbish on this thread. Effectively saying let them die.



Well go and tell the Warlords (what a joke of a name) who rake in £millions hijacking ships to help their own people.

Also tell us what will be happening next year when the same old story arises with the nice little earner charities who cream of much of the money donated.

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There aren't that many.


If you take African countries, the colonisation has ruined their economy and agriculture because they were basically giant agricultural lands for Europe. The products grown on their land were the ones European population needed and liked (cacao, coffee) and not the ones that local African populations needed. Over the years and after such an extreme exploitation the soil has changed it's nature and it is extremely difficult to grow something else than the exportation products for Europe.

What an absolute load of cods-wallop, these former colonies were left with top class infrastructure, well set up to be profitable, with crops/minerals/oil/raw materials/gold/emeralds diamonds etc that the world wanted, all this could have been traded for everything that was needed.

Look at Zimbabwe Bread basket of Africa now led by the Basket case of Africa.

And as per usual the Westernerphobe argument rears its ugly head.

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You would think some would have been spent to make it not happen again,ie getting water from the sea and making it fit for use.
Then the charities staff would have to get a proper job if the problem was solved.
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50 years ago whites emigrated to Rhodesia,now they are not running it the blacks want to come here,whats that tell us?
In the 60s Rhodesia was prosperous and the Bread basket of Africa because the white ran it, who's running it now?
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What an absolute load of cods-wallop, these former colonies were left with top class infrastructure, well set up to be profitable, with crops/minerals/oil/raw materials/gold/emeralds diamonds etc that the world wanted, all this could have been traded for everything that was needed.

Look at Zimbabwe Bread basket of Africa now led by the Basket case of Africa.

And as per usual the Westernerphobe argument rears its ugly head.


The truth is always hard to accept. I know.


Who talked about infrastructures? The infrastructures were built not for the local populations but for a more efficient exploration of natural resources for the benefit of the west.

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