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Drought in the Horn of Africa?

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The truth is always hard to accept. I know.


Who talked about infrastructures? The infrastructures were built not for the local populations but for a more efficient exploration of natural resources for the benefit of the west.

It's you who can't accept the truth. They were left with the infrastucture, they were the people who opertated it under the white people who were paid to stop on after independence until locals could work it themselves.

Just remember like Pakistan and other ex colonies they've had their independence a long time over 60 years some of them, the old it's all the wicked wests fault no longer holds credibility.

The mess is a self inflicted injury that will return every years.

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The problem is that everything was run by white people, and then suddenly the white people left, leaving no-one who knew how to run things properly.


I've read at least one report from an African country where they've run polls that say that people would vote to have colonialism back. Unfortunately that will never happen nowadays due to political correctness. For western countries anyway, I don't think the Chinese have any such qualms.

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on radio 4 this morning a reporter was speaking to a somali (via interpreter) mohammed is a farmer who has lost more than half his cattle and he has 2 wives and 15 children. ####### 15 KIDS, 15 KIDS. THAT WOKE ME UP. WHY should we keep them, we cant keep the world and his wives.

Did anyone see the programme last night about paintings and how much the rich paid for them, then the begging bowl comes out for us to fund the africans

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The truth is always hard to accept. I know.


Who talked about infrastructures? The infrastructures were built not for the local populations but for a more efficient exploration of natural resources for the benefit of the west.


I lived in Hillbrow in the mid 70s,it was prosperous and great to live,the blacks who worked there was managed by the whites,its now gone tits up and is an absolute ****hole and not safe in the day nevermind the night,giving it to the masses and booting the whites out was amassive mistake in all the colonised countries.

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on radio 4 this morning a reporter was speaking to a somali (via interpreter) mohammed is a farmer who has lost more than half his cattle and he has 2 wives and 15 children. ####### 15 KIDS, 15 KIDS. THAT WOKE ME UP. WHY should we keep them, we cant keep the world and his wives.

Did anyone see the programme last night about paintings and how much the rich paid for them, then the begging bowl comes out for us to fund the africans

Have you noticed in the camps, its the women who're dumped with the kids where are all the men who've been knocking out kids they can't feed?

Are the Somali Warlords and their families starving and dying of thirst, what about the pirates/hijackers and the £millions they make every years will they be donating, will they hell.

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Bearing in mind the years that the worlds communities have donated to improve water supplies to the peoples of Africa I thought this information was enlightening.

Figures from the UN World Food Programme show that in Somalia the access to safe water in 1991 was 35% falling in 2011 to 29%, this begs the question, what happened to all the millions given? The report states that figures from the UN World Food Programme show that food aid has increased in recent years, coinciding with a period of fighting between Islamists and forces loyal to the Somali government. It is obvious that both sides of the fighting are well fed, watered and armed and I for one will not give another penny to perpetuate this hellish situation.

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I just saw a news report where a woman stated that 4 of her children had died from malnutrition. 3 remain. Is it just me who thinks that if they can't provide for their offspring then why the Hell should I?


I plan my parenthood, I don't go knocking out chavvies at every turn ...... Either close your legs or keep it tucked away dependant upon gender.

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I get so angry year on year, it is so predictable and yet as a musician I won't hesitate if I'm asked to play for a benefit concert.


Kenya is another example of having it all but lost the plot, they were left with a brilliant farming/plantation programme that was highly profitable but look at them now; the Aids capital of Africa.


You can only get away with blaming the wicked west for so long but it doesn't wash anymore.


The west didn't turn Zimbabwe the Breadbascket of Africa into the Bascket Case of Africa.


At almost every turn all the Africans seem to do is show themselves unfit to manage their own affairs.

If the UK had received as much aid as Africa we'd all be driving round in RRs.


Isn't it about time something was done instead of just feeding corrupt incapable governments and allowing them to feather their own nests.

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The problem is that everything was run by white people, and then suddenly the white people left, leaving no-one who knew how to run things properly.

The White people were driven out they didn't just leave. look at Zimbabwe which is the most recent case of a Black run country going down the pan once they've kicked out the White people.


And I do not mean this in any way to be racist

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