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Drought in the Horn of Africa?

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I just saw a news report where a woman stated that 4 of her children had died from malnutrition. 3 remain. Is it just me who thinks that if they can't provide for their offspring then why the Hell should I?


I plan my parenthood, I don't go knocking out chavvies at every turn ...... Either close your legs or keep it tucked away dependant upon gender.


The situation is very different in countries with no infrastructure or welfare system.


Children are a kind of wealth, the more healthy children you have, the more land you can cultivate.They will also take care of parents and provide for them when they get too old to work the land themselves. Without children they literally have no future.

And when only one in four children make it to adulthood you can see why they have so many.


I'm not saying it's right, but it is understandable.

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I get so angry year on year, it is so predictable and yet as a musician I won't hesitate if I'm asked to play for a benefit concert.


Kenya is another example of having it all but lost the plot, they were left with a brilliant farming/plantation programme that was highly profitable but look at them now; the Aids capital of Africa.


You can only get away with blaming the wicked west for so long but it doesn't wash anymore.


The west didn't turn Zimbabwe the Breadbascket of Africa into the Bascket Case of Africa.


At almost every turn all the Africans seem to do is show themselves unfit to manage their own affairs.

If the UK had received as much aid as Africa we'd all be driving round in RRs.


Isn't it about time something was done instead of just feeding corrupt incapable governments and allowing them to feather their own nests.



B, 'the masses' in Zimbabwe haven't really noticed any real change in the situation on the ground when it comes to food production. When the country was the 'breadbasket of Africa' it was because all the coffee, flowers, tobacco grown by the very few on the best land made its way out of the county. They still starved. They still starve. Only real difference has been a massive decline in exports. Domestically the only massive difference has been the aids situation and the politrickal games.


The situation is the same all over southern Africa and beyond.


The arguments for 'African being unfit to rule themselves' or, as you say, 'the west didn't make Zimbabwe...' are better left for another thread.

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The White people were driven out they didn't just leave. look at Zimbabwe which is the most recent case of a Black run country going down the pan once they've kicked out the White people.


And I do not mean this in any way to be racist


what would you have them do?

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It's all a waste of time. People are dying because there are too many of them. Saving people today will just mean many times more people starving to death in 20 years time.




Wow, common sense has hit this forum.


Feed em up, get em healthy and breeding again, a sure fire receipe for disaster in the future.



Maybe this "drout" is natures way of decreasing the surplus population, hard to say or think, but nevertheless it might be on the money.





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Bob Geldof founded Live Aid about 27 years ago.


At that time we heard that the children were starving because of semi-permanent civil wars ans semi-permanent droughts. Our hearts (and the contents of our wallets) went out to them.


27 years later, those tiny malnourished infants we saved are now the arseholes fighting the same war.


George Santayana said: “Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


Fair enough. But next time, let them pay for it, too. Money poured into the Horn of Africa is like money poured down a drain.


If you stop the money (heartless?) you stop the supply of young soldiers to fight in the wars.


The news camera footage has shown heart-rending images of acutely malnourished children. The women photographed are thin, but hardly starving. The men seemed to be remarkably well-nourished. Some of them are even fat.


If those people don't give a damn about their children, why should anybody else?

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Bob Geldof founded Live Aid about 27 years ago.


At that time we heard that the children were starving because of semi-permanent civil wars ans semi-permanent droughts. Our hearts (and the contents of our wallets) went out to them.


27 years later, those tiny malnourished infants we saved are now the arseholes fighting the same war.


George Santayana said: “Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


Fair enough. But next time, let them pay for it, too. Money poured into the Horn of Africa is like money poured down a drain.


If you stop the money (heartless?) you stop the supply of young soldiers to fight in the wars.


The news camera footage has shown heart-rending images of acutely malnourished children. The women photographed are thin, but hardly starving. The men seemed to be remarkably well-nourished. Some of them are even fat.


If those people don't give a damn about their children, why should anybody else?


I fully agree with you.


My Bold = What men you saw, where were they, were they out hijacking ships, fighting for their warlords who were all no doubt well fed.


Helping these people only prolongs the suffering, will it be any differernt next year.

When the 'Band Aid' arrived at the main port in Ethiopia the trucking Haulage cartels demanded huge fees to transport it.

The truth is that these people won't help their own, their priorites are eslewhere.

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How come we're asked to give aid everyday whilst it was shown on the news all the munitions and fighting equipment the fathers of these starving children have.

Is there something I'm not being told regarding acquiring munitions before essentials.

Shades of Gaza to me where everything bar essentials gets through the tunnels.:confused:

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How come we're asked to give aid everyday whilst it was shown on the news all the munitions and fighting equipment the fathers of these starving children have.

You see, the West has to feed the starving; so that their own dictators won't have to (but can continue to pay for pointless wars).

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