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Gaza Siege Being Enforced From Europe,

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No I wouldn't, it would be an insignificant minority.


Yes minorities of normal brits who feel strongly enough to fly or sail out to gaza and the west bank?


people like you would prefer to try and make people forget about what is happening in palastine,,, people like you also supported apartheid to the last days!

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Israeli terrorism can't be hidden forever.


being as thick as two short planks, like you are, isn't going to last five minutes, never mind forever.


you were going to share with us all how Russian and European jews came from the middle east...


what centuries was that in then?? and did they come to europe first and then spread out to Russia? or go marching straight there? please share with us YOOUR version of world history..



Any way .you are aware not all Palestinians are Muslims? do they not belong in places like Bethlehem? why JEWs allowed only? why the discrimination?

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you were going to share with us all how Russian and European jews came from the middle east...


what centuries was that in then?? and did they come to europe first and then spread out to Russia? or go marching straight there? please share with us YOOUR version of world history..



Any way .you are aware not all Palestinians are Muslims? do they not belong in places like Bethlehem? why JEWs allowed only? why the discrimination?


Do your research. At the end of the first world war Jews from all across Europe and Russia started settling in the Palestine after the Balfour Declaration of 1917 (look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about) at the time the declaration was made Palestine, as the area was known after the invasion by the Ottomans, ever heard of them? Big Turkish Empire conquerred most of the middle east, fought on the side of the Germans in WW-I? was poor with little going for it. The arrival of large numbers of European and Russian Jews brought wealth and encouraged the immigration of the people who now call themselves Palestinians from Egypt and Syria. STOP THE PRESS Did I just say that the majority of 'Palestinians arrived AFTER the Jews!! Yes I did! Add to this the fact that the 'real' inhabitants of the Palestine had their land stolen by the 'poor' Syrian and Egyptian immigrants hoping to get wealthy on the new money arriving in the Palestine or bought by the wealthy Jews emigrating into the Palestine and it sort of shoots this idea of the Palestinians being pushed out by Israel. The Jews already owned large areas of the Palestine before the immigrant Syrians and Egyptians, who now call themselves 'Palestinians' ever got there. Personally I think there is a fair amount of irony in the Palestinians whining about somebody doing to them what their grandads did to other people. So go on prove me wrong! Show me when these 'poor' Palestinians arrived in the Palestine. Show me the stats on immigration before 1917 and the destruction of the Ottoman Empire!

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Any way .you are aware not all Palestinians are Muslims? do they not belong in places like Bethlehem? why JEWs allowed only? why the discrimination?


Also the 'minority' of non-muslims who are still in Israel/Palestine are the 'REAL' Palestinians, the Koptics, the Orthadox Christians were there BEFORE the Syrians and Egyptians arrived and started persecuting them. Where is your defence of those people who genuinely have the right to complain about both the Islamic and Jewish persecution and stealing of land? Oh that's right you're only interested in injustices commited against Islamic people, not anybody else!

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Yes minorities of normal brits who feel strongly enough to fly or sail out to gaza and the west bank?


people like you would prefer to try and make people forget about what is happening in palastine,,, people like you also supported apartheid to the last days!


How can anyone forget something they didn't know?

And if apartheid was happening I would neither support it nor condemn it, I don’t give a toss about either group of people; they can annihilate each other as far as I’m concerned, the planet as too many humans on it so if people want to kill each other I’m happy for them to get on with it.

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lol,, yeah right.. they are not European colonialist BUT just come home right?


so the Russians who once lived in Russia and now living in the middle east came from the Middle east?


tell me when did that happen?


It never happened it's a legend invented by zionists to justify their "right to return".

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so the Russians who once lived in Russia and now living in the middle east came from the Middle east?


The first Aliyah waves was composed of a lot of people who arrived in what they called Yeretz Israel from Russia. But they weren't just any old Russians. They were Russian Jews. And for them the land was their ancient homeland. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any other country except Israel. And in the brief periods when the Arabs had control of it, the land was always administered as an outpost of an empire, and governed from afar, like a colony, in a similar way to the way it was governed by the Turks. The only times when the land has been administered locally as opposed to a colonial model, have been by Israel, be it the ancient or the contemporary Israel.

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