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Does driving bring out the very worst in people?

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I know some of the most laid-back placid caring people you could ever wish to meet, but yet when most of these same people get behind the wheel they become the most right wing unforgiving arrogant monsters there is!


If someone makes a mistake or cuts them up they feel as though has stolen their time and are massive victim's of theft!

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I know some of the most laid-back placid caring people you could ever wish to meet, but yet when most of these same people get behind the wheel they become the most right wing unforgiving arrogant monsters there is!


If someone makes a mistake or cuts them up they feel as though has stolen their time and are massive victim's of theft!


:hihi::hihi::hihi: deffo

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Sheffield's single-lane roads mean that you can't safely overtake those fools who pull out of a junction in front of you and proceed to pootle along at 20 mph in a 30mph zone. We're forced to (a) run the idiot off the road and cause an accident or (b) perform a dangerous overtaking manouvere and risk killing the wholly-innocent unfortunate sod coming the other way or © get stuck behind the idiot for the rest of the journey home.


So please, have some sympathy with us "right wing unforgiving arrogant monsters" when we've been forced into this situation. We just want to get home after a long day at work.

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I had some idiot beeping at me the other day, on Penistone Road heading towards town, I had to wait because a car in the lane to my right was partly in my lane, and the traffic in the left hand lane meant I couldn't pull round them. The car behind me kept beeping, what did he expect me to do, run into the back end of the car?

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I'm a fairly relaxed and laid back person both in real life and when I'm driving. Even so, I can sometimes start to get a bit worked up when driving. If I do I just tell myself to relax (edit: and just let the idiot who upset me get on with his life and I'll get on with mine). An enforced change in job role, last year, now means a 35 mile commute, each way, approx 25 mile of which is on the motorway. It can get fairly hectic. Luckily, I've been able to adjust my start and finish time to avoid the busiest times, which helps enormously. I've also made a conscious decision to set off early so I'm not in a rush. I now drive most of the journey in the nearside lane along with the HGVs, am a lot less stressed, arrive much fresher and relaxed, and get much better mpg as well.


There are ways we can all reduce our stress levels when driving.

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I had some idiot beeping at me the other day, on Penistone Road heading towards town, I had to wait because a car in the lane to my right was partly in my lane, and the traffic in the left hand lane meant I couldn't pull round them. The car behind me kept beeping, what did he expect me to do, run into the back end of the car?


Yes, yes he did.

And you should have!!

Theres no excuse for such lefty liberal tree hugging behaviour when running the gauntlet that is our roads driving around our fair city.

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