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Does driving bring out the very worst in people?

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I know some of the most laid-back placid caring people you could ever wish to meet, but yet when most of these same people get behind the wheel they become the most right wing unforgiving arrogant monsters there is!


If someone makes a mistake or cuts them up they feel as though has stolen their time and are massive victim's of theft!


Right wing bad, left wing good eh?

Good example of bigotry or is it not possible to be left wing and bigoted?

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I'll happily voice my opinion to my self, but I never get behind people unless they insist on hogging the outside lane at half the limit.


At the end of the day there are too many idiots on the roads to tell them they are wrong :/

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There are too many people driving these days, that is the problem. Driving used to be a joy, now it is an aggravating chore.


I don't think its the quantity of drivers, more the quality. People just don't seem to bother with the rules of the road any more and that causes the problems.


People jump red lights, block box junctions, fail to indicate, mess with phones and radios, and it all contributes to congestion and increased frustration.

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I think the main problem with driving in general is no-one works together ie if your waiting at a junction no-one will ever let you out so it just causes traffic jams behind you which then start getting arsy because you cant move so your forced to pull out where usually you wouldnt as you dont have the amount of space you would usually wait for.


I think alot of it also boils down to the fact that people dont seem to see the immediate danger with daft manouvers the amount of times ive been in cars that have been overtaken on blind bends i mean do they not understand you can not see round it?


I also think that a MASSIVE contribution of it is non-insured drivers because lets face it what do they have to lose? now although i dont condone it in a way i cant help but think i dont blame um dont get me wrong me and the OH have a car its got tax, test, insurance and everything is legal but god its expensive to run.

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I was the second car in a queue at a T junction this morning, the guy in front was indicating right but just wouldn't move, even though there was nothing visible right or left. He waited for so long that someone finally came along, this happens quite a lot, what's it all about? :loopy:

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