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Does driving bring out the very worst in people?

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I was second in line at a Stop junction and the guy ahead actually stopped! What's that all about?


People see hazard in different places. Some are more meticulous than others at following best practice or the law. One person's over-cautious approach is another's lack of vision. One person's risk-aversion is another's cowardy-custardness. Maybe he was lighting a fag and answering a phone? Maybe he was unsure where he was going? Maybe, unseen by you, there had been a couple of vehicles approaching who then parked up?


Driving is a team game played with strangers. Whatever the others do or don't do, you have no choice but to get on and deal with it.


To answer the OP, yes people do take on a driving persona at the wheel. But that's always been the case - Disney brought out a cartoon on Mr Walker and Mr Driver in the 1950's, I believe, that says it all.

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There are too many people driving these days, that is the problem. Driving used to be a joy, now it is an aggravating chore.



You are only right HH. When I was a lad my dad used to say " shall we go out for a run in the car?" and off we'd go for an hour or two driving out to some nearby countryside and taking the long way home.

Who goes out for a drive nowadays?

Actually my next door neighbour does, but on his motorbike. Seems bikers are the only people who enjoy it today.

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Remember that advert tag-line many years ago? - "Thinking driving". Basically, drive beyond the end of your bonnet; anticipate, consider the consequences of your actions on others and the overall "game", as D T Ralge correctly calls it.


Sometimes drivers are oblivious of what they've just done. Others, of course, do what they do cynically, including the guy in the Citroen thing the other day who simply forced his way in in front of me in his desire to leapfrog the queue. Selfish driving: the worst sin of all.

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Remember that advert tag-line many years ago? - "Thinking driving". Basically, drive beyond the end of your bonnet; anticipate, consider the consequences of your actions on others and the overall "game", as D T Ralge correctly calls it.


Sometimes drivers are oblivious of what they've just done. Others, of course, do what they do cynically, including the guy in the Citroen thing the other day who simply forced his way in in front of me in his desire to leapfrog the queue. Selfish driving: the worst sin of all.


Not the worst sin of all, surely.


Actually, I'm pretty laid back about idiots like that. I take the view that I'd sooner have bad drivers in front of me than behind me. If in front, they are much less able to put me at risk by their bad driving.

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i try to be a tolerent driver,, it makes my day when i give way to another driver and i get a thumbs up and a smile,, try it , :)


I agree, but it also makes me really cross when I let someone out and don't even get a thank you wave!

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You are only right HH. When I was a lad my dad used to say " shall we go out for a run in the car?" and off we'd go for an hour or two driving out to some nearby countryside and taking the long way home.

Who goes out for a drive nowadays?


I think the rising cost in fuel will put paid to "joy riders". I've been spending my weekends round North Wales and the roads are much quieter than they've ever been.


As for bad habits, I followed a woman this morning doing 35-40 in a 60 zone. Why was she taking so much care on a dry, clear, open road? She was brushing her hair and using the rear view mirror to check her handiwork! I can't help thinking that if she'd brushed her hair before she'd left for work and drove closer to the limit of the road she'd still be in the same place at the same time!

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I was the second car in a queue at a T junction this morning, the guy in front was indicating right but just wouldn't move, even though there was nothing visible right or left. He waited for so long that someone finally came along, this happens quite a lot, what's it all about? :loopy:


Some motorists seem to get a power trip out of holding other drivers up unnecessarily



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