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How to make a complaint against solicitors.

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get another lawyer, just like you took a bite out of a Mars Bar, and decided you didn't like it. Twix and Snickers, etc, are available.
thing is like teachers, doctors etc, they all cover up for each other. The sheffield solicitors probably drink together in the campo lane bars after work. Best bet is to get an out-of-town lawyer, who wont compromise his local network acceptance.
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thing is like teachers, doctors etc, they all cover up for each other. The sheffield solicitors probably drink together in the campo lane bars after work. Best bet is to get an out-of-town lawyer, who wont compromise his local network acceptance.


What ARE you on about?? Cover up for each other- don't be silly. Stop making silly statements you know nothing about and are unable to prove.

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thing is like teachers, doctors etc, they all cover up for each other. The sheffield solicitors probably drink together in the campo lane bars after work. Best bet is to get an out-of-town lawyer, who wont compromise his local network acceptance.


Oh look another one who has obviously never worked in the legal profession.


Firstly, do you honestly think in this age of firms closing, job losses and practices going bankrupt that there is any loyalty between fellow solicitors, their partners and staff. WAKE UP.


Secondly and most importantly there is this little thing called the Solicitors Regulataion Authority. I can tell you for sure that no "cover ups" exist. If a complaint is made it has to be dealt with and if necessary they will rip an office to shreds to find a culprit. They will then proceed to sue the firm for any personal, emotional or financial losses the client has suffered. That sort of action can make or break a firm particularly since nothing can be hidden from a liability insurance record and your reputation is pretty must ruined.


Are you a bitter person who has had some advice you dont agree with?

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fact is the legal/justice system in this country is corrupt and twisted, one sunday i saw a cleaner carefully cleaning and polishing the metal name's plaque on the wall at bank house chambers(barristers £400/hour wage!) yes on a sunday! these so called professional people are no different to the rest of us

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fact is the legal/justice system in this country is corrupt and twisted, one sunday i saw a cleaner carefully cleaning and polishing the metal name's plaque on the wall at bank house chambers(barristers £400/hour wage!) yes on a sunday! these so called professional people are no different to the rest of us


so your saying that the entire legal system is corrupt because you saw a cleaner working on a sunday??? how does that have ANY relevance?



Btw- barristers don't have a wage, they are entirely self employed so if they don't work, they don't get paid (thought you might like to know)

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fact is the legal/justice system in this country is corrupt and twisted, one sunday i saw a cleaner carefully cleaning and polishing the metal name's plaque on the wall at bank house chambers(barristers £400/hour wage!) yes on a sunday! these so called professional people are no different to the rest of us


You really are showing yourself up to be a bit thick arn't you.


"No different from the rest of us" except that they have studied for many years for their vocation, passed several complex exams, undertook a low paid pupilage to earn their trade, they have a vast knowledge of complex laws and statutes, can review and make decisions on complex cases, represent people in a court forum open, honest and fairly whilst forming judgments of character and arguments in defence against difficult questionning".... yeah of course mate. They should be on minimum wage perhaps.


Or are you just jealous of the fact they have a cleaner? Errm.... reality check - my mother has one and she works part time in retail!


Stop trolling and go back under your rock.

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fact is the legal/justice system in this country is corrupt and twisted, one sunday i saw a cleaner carefully cleaning and polishing the metal name's plaque on the wall at bank house chambers(barristers £400/hour wage!) yes on a sunday! these so called professional people are no different to the rest of us


£400 an hour!! Funniest thing I've read in a while.


If any barrister sent me a bill for £400 an hour in relation to any of my clients, and they weren't a QC, that bill would be getting sent straight back, with a letter asking whether the clerk was having a laugh.


As for the assertion that all solicitors back each other up and drink together? Whoever said that, you are crazy. That's like saying that Apple would back up Microsoft if they made a mistake. It's not called rivalry for no reason!

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some of you have never been to the corrupt family court month after month, or you've never heard of the terms like-contempt in court,injustice,miscarriage of justice WAKE UP! it's not the movies you know


In otherwords you didn't get the outcome you want (injustice), so you kicked off (contempt of court) and now your held by a legally binding court order you don't agree with (miscarriage of justice).


So in short, you lost- the other person won so now you think that EVERYONE to do with the legal system is corrupt and bent.


Sounds like sour grapes to me to be honest.

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