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How to make a complaint against solicitors.

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not as funny as this one

are you a personality expert???

or psychologist


Im non of those things- i have only given my opinion.


you have strong(untrue) comments about people you've never met!




I can assure you that not ALL solicitors think there above there clients/ are on £400/hour/write the law or all of the other stupid things you have claimed on this thread.

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i mean posting over 10,900 messages in 6+ years is ALOT mate!

are you sure you're human not machine?


Ok- if your not going to stay on subject forget it.



Im not getting dragged into a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent, its not fair.

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who used the word 'ALL' get your facts right!

you have this weekness called 'mis-reading and mis-understanding

i havn't claimed anything, i'm just like you, using this site correct?

or do have the rules and regs. for me?

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hi all, i need some urgent advice please if you can help, i want to make a coomplaint against my family law solicitor, she failed to keep me updated and so i have missed a vital meeting, now iam being branded as no show and it looks bad for me, however how the hell can i attend a meeting that i know nothing about! iam so upset right now, i want to complain then sack the said solicitor and get a new solicitor, preferably one that knows what he/she is doing!


does anyone know where i complain to, i have looked on <removed> site but no complain option, if anyone knows please i need the address where i send the letter to and the person iam to address it to,


thanks in advance xx


Hire another solicitor?Or refer the matter to the Law Society?Have you expressed your anger to the solicitor and sought an explanation?

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There is - in answer to the question- usually a senior member of the firm whose role it is to deal with complaints. If the reason for non-attendance was the lawyers fault then that lawyer will need to tell the judge or anyone else for that matter, that the clients failing to appear was not deliberate it was the lawyers mistake.


If you feel you want to make a complaint, put it in writing and set out clearly what the issue is. If there were potentially serious consequences for the no show then, as with many professions, lawyers can be relied upon to turn on each other rather quickly.


As for the suggestion of a fee in the region of £400 per hour - please prove it. Whilst you are at it look at the rates set by the government for legally aided work in both family and crime.

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Generalisation on this forum is unbelievable.


Just because they maybe the odd few bad lawyers/solicitors etc - then they are tarred with the same brush.


Sticking together?? Its more than their jobs worth to lie or cover up for another lawyer/solicitor.

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