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Iraq To Reignite If USA Stay Beyond Dec 2011

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the Sadar political block within Iraq have warned all out war with occupation forces of the USA does NOT uphold its promise of a pull out.



Given the USA governments track record in lies i think the promise to pull out was yet another lie , was it?

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But...but.. I thought Iraq was a democracy (since Saddam 'left') ? - what happened to all that 'freedom' Mr Bush was talking about ?


Are you telling us he lied ?!


No Bush never lied, he was telling the Truth when he said God asked him to strike down saddam.


i wonder if God speaks to Bush while he is awake or while he is asleep, ?

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these kind of topic starters show no comprehension of Middle Eastern politics. The Saudis are the Iranians worst enemy now that Baathist power is gone from Iraq, the Saudis now think Iraq is like a Iranian Shia satellite. They won't mess about if they think Iran threatens them. They'll fight.


like I said, the Israel/Palestine issue is just a sideshow.

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But...but.. I thought Iraq was a democracy (since Saddam 'left') ? - what happened to all that 'freedom' Mr Bush was talking about ?


Are you telling us he lied ?!


If Iraq is not a democracy today it's because the daft bu**ers started a war with each other after Saddam was toppled.

Do you think Shi'ite and Sunni will ever get around to living together peacefully? I think not. There will always be one tribe trying to take power from the other.

The whole story of the Arab world really with religious extremists doing their bits as well.

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these kind of topic starters show no comprehension of Middle Eastern politics. The Saudis are the Iranians worst enemy now that Baathist power is gone from Iraq, the Saudis now think Iraq is like a Iranian Shia satellite. They won't mess about if they think Iran threatens them. They'll fight.


like I said, the Israel/Palestine issue is just a sideshow.



Worst enemy? why?



lets not forget the western backed war against Iran, when iraq was being proxy for the west? may be if saddam won that war the western powers would not have had him hanged?


anyway, iran has not threaten any of its neighbors for hundreds of years.. learn history

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you're just a total numskull. A real, ignorant numbskull. It wasn't the west that backed Iraq against Iran. It was especially the Saudis but the other Gulf Arabs that provided the actual money to Saddam and they'd have given him weapons if they had the ability to manufacture them. The cause of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait was his refusal to start paying back the large number of billions of dollars he'd gotten off Kuwait. Read up about the 1990 Arab League summit. It's you that needs to learn history.


just last month it emerged that if Iran goes nuclear, the Saudis plan to develop nuclear weapons themselves, to protect themselves from Iran, not from Israel, who they will even let fly through Saudi airspace to attack Iran if the need arises.

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you're just a total numskull. A real, ignorant numbskull. It wasn't the west that backed Iraq against Iran. It was especially the Saudis but the other Gulf Arabs that provided the actual money to Saddam and they'd have given him weapons if they had the ability to manufacture them. The cause of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait was his refusal to start paying back the large number of billions of dollars he'd gotten off Kuwait. Read up about the 1990 Arab League summit. It's you that needs to learn history.


just last month it emerged that if Iran goes nuclear, the Saudis plan to develop nuclear weapons themselves, to protect themselves from Iran, not from Israel, who they will even let fly through Saudi airspace to attack Iran if the need arises.



you sure west never backed iraq when he invaded Iran?


you sure about that?

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you sure west never backed iraq when he invaded Iran?


yes. The US had no diplomatic relations at all with either country at the time of the war's start in 1981. As Henry Kissinger memorably said : 'I hope they both lose'. Only when Iraq looked like they might lose, and Iran win, did the US restore diplomatic relations and begin to support Iraq.


some western countries, especially France who sold more than all the other western countries put together, sold arms to Iraq. But the money to buy them came from the Gulf countries, who bankrolled Saddam to prosecute the war against Iran.

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