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Is This Acceptable? Father imprisoned for trying to see his son

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I happen to to know that in 9 out of 10 custody cases, they give the kid to the Mother.


You are not wrong. It is supposed to be in the childs best interests. Fathers are dragged through the mud, degraded and humiliated and left skint. Whilst the Mother dosent need any checks. She is never in question!

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If a seperated father/mother takes his/her children on the weekends and looks after them 2/7s of the time, surely he/she should get 2/7s of the child benefit/tax credits.


You would think so wouldnt you but you get a very slight and i mean slight reduction in CSA payment something along the lines of 4%. I will get the exact csa calculator for you. ie time spent with kids = CSA payment

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This man should not be in a jail never mind cat A jail with murderers and rapists all for the sake of loving his son.


again what did this man do?

IF he broke the law then again he has to face the consequences

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I read the pdf on the other page;



If CSA is £70 without access (for two children, non resident parent on £350 per week before tax salary).

without access = £70

with 1 day per week access = £60

with 2 day per week access = £50

with 3 day per week access = £40


Equal care = CSA divided by 2, £7 knocked off for every child.


In this case, it would work out at £21.


So for equal care, you have to pay the person who holds the title of 'parent with care' (this means claims the child benefit).


It's a complete blooming shambles, one parent can receive child benefit and CSA, and become eligible for the tax credits, for 'equal care'.

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I read the pdf on the other page;



If CSA is £70 without access (for two children, non resident parent on £350 per week before tax salary).

without access = £70

with 1 day per week access = £60

with 2 day per week access = £50

with 3 day per week access = £40


Equal care = CSA divided by 2, £7 knocked off for every child.


In this case, it would work out at £21.


So for equal care, you have to pay the person who holds the title of 'parent with care' (this means claims the child benefit).


It's a complete blooming shambles, one parent can receive child benefit and CSA, and become eligible for the tax credits, for 'equal care'.



And the other loses everything !!!

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He was charged with harrassment for the balloons and intimidating his ex with a banner saying happy birthday


Given that there was a court order banning him from contact with the child, a jail sentence would seem appropriate. It is, arguably, contempt of court to breach any court order.



Which only brings us back to "why was the court order imposed?" and nobody knows.

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Given that there was a court order banning him from contact with the child, a jail sentence would seem appropriate. It is, arguably, contempt of court to breach any court order.



Which only brings us back to "why was the court order imposed?" and nobody knows.


You really think a stint in a Cat A prison is appropriate?:loopy:

And like i said before family courts are secret so we prob never find out and mums word is good enough as evidence she can accuse of whatecer she wants with no evidence.


If some one told you you couldnt see your child would you not do anything you could even just for a glimps for a minute. I know I would and have.

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