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Living down old nicknames.

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I have rather "sticky out" ears. Because of this I "affectionately" :mad: earned the nickname of "Wingnut" from my first year in secondary school.

I went through school and never lost the name. I absolutely hated it but would never let on.


I lost the nickname several years after leaving school and have not been called it for many years. Then , unexpectedly, last week I heard this voice in the street shout...."If it isn't old Wingnut".......I cringed!


It turned out to be an old school chum who I had not seen for years. I did not know whether to shake his hand or hit him!


Will I ever fully live the nickname down?:rant::roll:


Did you have a nickname at school and did you like it and did it "fade away"



I thought your nickname was Phil, Phil?!:cool:

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