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The Tears of Marie Anne

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Death kissed a gypsy caravan

to claim one of the Romni clan

and as her life ebbed with the day

her last act was to wipe away

the tears of Marie Anne


The father grieved so for his wife

in deep despair he took his life

no goodbye note for his son Thad

nor daughter Marie Anne so sad

they suffered in their strife


Maria Anne, just three years old

went to speak with Nadyagold

a soothsayer of great renown

‘come my child, sit thyself down

thy fortune shall be told’


The old dabrani shook her head

‘I see a dull brown room, she said

bare and gloomy, smells of rot

dark and dreary, fearsome hot

a greatcoat for a bed


Thy must beware my little one

for evil to thee will be done

here is a hex that thy can use

if thou should suffer from abuse

then vengeance will be won


Death will follow who are cursed

be warned this cannot be reversed’

and as the old soothsayer spoke

ancient words of the Romni folk

a clap of thunder burst



‘Thad he will go’ advised the man

‘to an orphanage in East Ham

Marie to one in Bishopsgate’

his words did naught to mitigate

the tears of Marie Anne


The matron of the orphan’s home

saw Marie Anne stand all alone

clutching tight her battered case

she saw her sad, bewildered face

and took her as her own


The principal was Jude Baptiste

for kids he cared not in the least

thick leather belt used as a strap

an arrogant and odious chap

his nickname was ‘The Beast’


Thirteen years passed by too fast

Marie Anne lived for the past

she missed her brother’s smiling face

she yearned to feel his firm embrace

that never was surpassed


Baptiste came to the girl so fair

stroked her face and stroked her hair

‘Come with me my little one’

took her hand and they were gone

to climb the winding stair


Behind the wooden panelled door

a small room of dull brown decor

bare and gloomy, smelled of rot

dark and dreary, fearsome hot

a greatcoat on the floor


Baptiste took his prey so pretty

and showing not a trace of pity

nor any sign of tenderness

tore off her yellow orphan dress

and took her chastity


‘Now that thy has done thy worst

with this amria thou art cursed

and guaranteed a place in Hell’

Marie Anne cast the gypsy spell

the claps of thunder burst


The matron damned the evil man

when Marie told her of his plan

and as she tried to comfort her

dampening her shoulder were

the tears of Marie Anne


Pleas for mercy would not be heard

whenever Baptiste’s loins were stirred

taking her for carnal pleasure

abused her body at his leisure

he could not be deterred


Marie Anne heard the matron call

‘A man is waiting in the hall’

‘Please will you bring him here to me’

she had no doubt who it would be

she had no doubt at all


Baptiste opened the panelled door

and closing it behind him saw

beneath the coat a huddled form

he spoke above the brewing storm

‘Come hither gipsy whore’


But when the coat was flung away

Marie did not beneath it lay

instead a man who now stood tall

Baptiste was pushed against the wall

Thad told him ‘Start to pray’


Thad drew up his gleaming sword

‘Harm me not’ Baptiste implored

‘No wrong I’ve ever done to thee

so who art thou to threaten me?’

Outside the thunder roared


Thad hissed ‘The kith and kin am I

of someone thy did mortify

now for my dear young sister’s sake

vengeance I have come to take

‘tis time for thee to die’


‘Please slow thy haste sir I appeal

There’s something that I must reveal

gold pieces I have very many

to thee I will give every penny

So can we strike a deal?’


‘If thy galbi were a hundred fold

justice can’t be bought and sold

money cannot sheath this blade

my sister’s honour I’ll not trade

so keep thy tainted gold


And now I must fulfill my quest

and send thee to be Satan’s guest’

and as the mighty thunder roared

Thad thrust hard upon his sword

deep into Baptiste’s chest


Baptiste screamed in fiery Hell

inside his dingy, stinking cell

bare and gloomy, smelled of rot

dark and dreary, fearsome hot

and cursed the gypsy spell


Thus Marie Anne’s new life began

she leaned down from the caravan

to kiss one that she loved so well

and on the matron’s face there fell

the tears of Marie Anne

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A very moving poem, Mr Blue Owl; it brought a tear to my eye. Can you tell us any more about your inspiration for it?

Thanks very much for your nice comments Tallyman

There was no specific inspirational element, it was just an idea that popped into my head

Warm Regards


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