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I was referring to Griffin being prosecuted for mentioning the Muslim gangs and their activities.


Are you sure that's what he was prosecuted for?


Can you and other nationalists not console yourselves with the fact that the likes of Abu Hamza have been prosecuted (successfully) and censured for their use of sensational racist language?

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Are you sure that's what he was prosecuted for?


Can you and other nationalists not console yourselves with the fact that the likes of Abu Hamza have been prosecuted (successfully) and censured for their use of sensational racist language?


I don't think you can draw comparisons between the views of a bunch of right-wing thugs and Captain Hook

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Most peado gangs don't have their accussers dragged through the courts do they?


This is not a thread about peado gangs.


I didn't say Asian, I said Muslim gangs..

does being asian / muslim mean they and only they will / can drag their accusers through court?

im sure theres plenty of stories out there of people of ALL races, creeeds, colours dragging their accusers through court


no its NOT a thread about peado gangs but YOU brought it up so dont try changing the record now and blaming me.


Well apparently the law these days is concerned with hate crimes, specifically race hate crimes in this case and as such any conviction carries further punishment for this so yes it is actually a worse crime because the law says it is.


Other than that everything else you have said is emotional guff.


show me where it says race hate is a far more severe crime than peadophillia?

both are crimes, and i hate both but im sure law wise peadophillia comes far far far above hate.


at least my emotional guff is from logical thinking, treating people with respect and trying to put myself in others places, something you are unable to do, instead relying on paranoia, lies, misinterpretation and a lack of basic thinking skills

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I don't think you can draw comparisons between the views of a bunch of right-wing thugs and Captain Hook


Well I guess they're each as objectionable as the other...but the main point I was making was to rebuff the suggestion that non-whites are immune from prosecution for using racially offensive language :)

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no it doesnt grate on me one iota, to me a peado gang is a paedo gang, they need removing from society, they all have reasons why they target people and thats what needs to be investigated by police so they can catch any future ones.


some people are obsessed by this asian v white thing that somehow its 5 times worse...............and guess what, those that DO have an obsession about it are normally highly vocal against asians full stop.



But we are not talking about paedo gangs as such but the racial element involved, I would have thought anyone with half a brain could have worked that one out because of the topic of the thread.


In this case there was a racial element and that is why this matter was ignored for so long.



Those that are obsessed with race tend to be too frightened to cause offence and so allowed these children to suffer.



i dont think the crime was ignored, didnt they get arrested and locked up? thats not ignoring it in my book.

and as i said before even tho i dont think it was a "race" crime, id rathert hey got done for the peadophillia rather than race because its a far more severe crime AND sentence.


no doubt youd rather they were purely done for a race related crime and get just say 6 months purely to prove a point?



It was clearly has a race issue to it and that is why it was ignored for so long. Do you not follow the news are do you make it up as you go along?

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Those that are obsessed with race tend to be too frightened to cause offence and so allowed these children to suffer.
The people most usually obsessed with race are the racists.


It was clearly has a race issue to it and that is why it was ignored for so long. Do you not follow the news are do you make it up as you go along?


That isn't quite what you said, you were suggesting that there was a racial aspect to the crime-not it's investigation.

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does being asian / muslim mean they and only they will / can drag their accusers through court?

im sure theres plenty of stories out there of people of ALL races, creeeds, colours dragging their accusers through court


no its NOT a thread about peado gangs but YOU brought it up so dont try changing the record now and blaming me.



It's certainly down to people like you that this matter wasn't investigated as quickly as it should have done, how do you feel about it?



show me where it says race hate is a far more severe crime than peadophillia?

both are crimes, and i hate both but im sure law wise peadophillia comes far far far above hate.


at least my emotional guff is from logical thinking, treating people with respect and trying to put myself in others places, something you are unable to do, instead relying on paranoia, lies, misinterpretation and a lack of basic thinking skills



If you had any abilty to think you wouldn't be asking is race hate crimes any worse you would read what I said that crimes that have a racial element attached to them are punished more severely.

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