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Yay! Immigration Charity closes down.

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I didn't say it did, however don't you think it's suspect when people generalise negatively about any group of people rather than an individual's characteristics? It's as ignorant as a Wednesday fan saying he hates United fans.


Nah, that's completely reasonable. :P


I took a tram the other day and deliberately counted the heads. I was the only white person.


You may think that's fantastic and all, but every time I get on a bus and English is the last language spoken, I don't think that's any kind of progress...

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Nah, that's completely reasonable. :P


I took a tram the other day and deliberately counted the heads. I was the only white person.


You may think that's fantastic and all, but every time I get on a bus and English is the last language spoken, I don't think that's any kind of progress...


Well of course you're perfectly entitled to that opinion.


I've been on a bus and been the only black person, it's not remarkable, and I don't form a view, fantastic or otherwise on my fellow passengers-I don't know them.


Ps: I'd like to think they don't form a view about me, just because of the colour of my skin.

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Well of course you're perfectly entitled to that opinion.


I've been on a bus and been the only black person, it's not remarkable, and I don't form a view, fantastic or otherwise on my fellow passengers-I don't know them.


Ps: I'd like to think they don't form a view about me, just because of the colour of my skin.


looking at the views here BF, people would assume you are a foreigner. Is English you first language for that matter? You come over here with your ways and your speaking! I for one welcome the day when all foreigners are white just to confuse the foreign haters.


Fight the power

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Well of course you're perfectly entitled to that opinion.


I've been on a bus and been the only black person, it's not remarkable, and I don't form a view, fantastic or otherwise on my fellow passengers-I don't know them.


Ps: I'd like to think they don't form a view about me, just because of the colour of my skin.


It's got nothing to do with the colour of anyone's skin. But you're the first to post on race threads of any kind, and while we're all the moral majority and the very paragon of compassion and understanding, no one can deny that having all these people in our already hugely overcrowded country is a bad idea.


And the whites are leaving, and that's not a good thing, either.


... waits expecting to hear comments of good riddance and something about natural population evolution.

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Nah, that's completely reasonable. :P


I took a tram the other day and deliberately counted the heads. I was the only white person.

You may think that's fantastic and all, but every time I get on a bus and English is the last language spoken, I don't think that's any kind of progress...


That’s because most non white people and just a couple of white people can’t afford a car. If you had a car you would hardly see any.:D

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looking at the views here BF, people would assume you are a foreigner. Is English you first language for that matter? You come over here with your ways and your speaking! I for one welcome the day when all foreigners are white just to confuse the foreign haters.


Fight the power


This dialogue reminds me of something my grandad said to me many years ago Fishcake, he always reminded me that when I was out and about I had to assume I was seen as a representative of the black community and 'we' would be judged harshly if I behaved badly or even ambivalently. If I visited the doctor/hospital/library I had to put a suit on and Brylcream my hair, even as a very young lad.


Old habits die hard and I still feel the need to 'dress up' when in such situations..sadly I've little hair on which to lavish the Brylcream nowadays!

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If you ever worked in legal aid you would realise there are little "perks"


Most legal aid lawyers are the lowest paid of the whole sector. The salaries being less than half what others receive. Their charging rate and amount of work they can do is stictly capped with any excess work being written off.

When it comes to billing everything has to be assessed and checked by the LSC and whole hours worth of work can be written off at the stroke of a pen by a cost judge. Something the private law firms dont have to suffer with.


Bonuses are few and far between because fees delivered from legal aid teams are so low. Lawyers who do get a bonus are generally the ones who are there working into the night every night.


Legal aid is not all about immigration. It covers housing, debt, benefits, civil liberties, police complaints, family law, criminal law and employment. All you morons who are screaming for more cuts and less "scumbag" lawyers....... what you gonna do if you need help? Do you have money in the bank avaliable to pay £140.00 - £250.00 per hour for advice? Do you all have legal expenses insurance in place ready? Good luck to you.



Well said!! My dad is a solicitor and used to be a partner however now works providing legal aid. I was disgusted and offended at the original post and I thank you for basically saying everything I was going to say but better.


Just want to add: My dad works every hour under the sun. He goes to court at least 3 out of 4 weekends and is in and out of the house throughout the night several times a week. He works all this alongside his 8am-6:30pm normal work because surprisingly, legal aid solicitors aren't millionaires, believe it or not.

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It's got nothing to do with the colour of anyone's skin.
So why make it so? I only mentioned colour after you did-


I took a tram the other day and deliberately counted the heads.
I was the only white person.

But you're the first to post on race threads of any kind,

Just as you're entitled to your opinion, I'm sure you would allow me the freedom to have mine.

and while we're all the moral majority and the very paragon of compassion and understanding, no one can deny that having all these people in our already hugely overcrowded country is a bad idea.

There are also lots of good reasons.

And the whites are leaving, and that's not a good thing, either.

They always have, are you unaware of your own history of colonisation?

... waits expecting to hear comments of good riddance and something about natural population evolution.

Not at all, most of my own family are white. You demean yourself by trying to put words into my mouth.
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Well said!! My dad is a solicitor and used to be a partner however now works providing legal aid. I was disgusted and offended at the original post and I thank you for basically saying everything I was going to say but better.


Just want to add: My dad works every hour under the sun. He goes to court at least 3 out of 4 weekends and is in and out of the house throughout the night several times a week. He works all this because surprisingly, legal aid solicitors aren't millionaires, believe it or not.


I assume that you want the scumbag lawyers that fiddle the legal aid system to continue working in law and that you think 10% of the legal aid bill going on immigration is acceptable.

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You demean yourself by trying to put words into my mouth.


Oh believe me, I'm not going to put anything in your mouth :P


Actually, I'm just not afraid to say what everyone is thinking, yet, because of certain individuals and the UK's outrageous policies, no one dare say anything!

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