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New phone scam using u-cash

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There have been several posts about phone scams. But a new one has started using U-Cash. Time to put a stop to these scum, But these scams are out of the country.


This morning I received a phone call.


" Good morning Mr. Rodgers, How are you today " " This is the Justice Department, We have been trying to contact you about PPI. I see that you have made a lot of dealings with the bank over the years, Did you know that you are owed £4000." We are in Sheffield today calling on people that are owed money to make sure they get an immediate payment,"


OK you have all heard it all before. But these guys wanted me to pay tax when they hand over the cheque for £4000. I was told that they would call with the cheque. But I would have to give them a voucher for £400. I was told that there is a local office where I can obtain a voucher. They gave me the address of my local off license. I was to get a U Cash voucher for £400 and wait till they cam with the cheque. They would ring me back within the hour. I played along with all the chit chat they gave me. Then I rang the Police. The Police were not interested at all in this even though I said these guys would call at my home for the cash voucher and hand over a cheque. I was told to dial 999 when they came, Though with planning had this been the case we would have caught these scum. But I decided to wait till I had another call from the scum. They called after half an hour oir so. I told them I had the U Cash Voucher. They asked for the number, I would not tell them the correct number so the guy got funny. I then turned on my charmed voice and told them I knew that this was a scam. They got very funny about this as I had wasted over an hour of their time on the phone. So be careful if you get a call telling you it is safe for you to pay them by U Cash as they cannot get the money straight away. LOL LOL...There are many scams. But the authorities are not taking them seriously . I had phone numbers for these people. Maybe disposable phones but even then the Police could have used these if they had acted straight away to stop them. But here are the phone numbers to watch out for.


This number cannot be a mobile it only has 9 numbers. But this is one of the numbers that called.



Then. 02032395701


Names given were inspector Adam Simpson Legal Admin. LOL LOL


It is easy for many of us to spot a scam straight away. Also easy for these scum to detect a likely victim. The first call I made them think I was an elderly infirm person. They were quite convincing and very good actors. We need action from the Government to put a stop to these scum. We also need to see action from the Police. I kept these scum on the phone for a very long time indeed today. Then told them I was playing along with them as I knew they were scum. The answer to this was we know where you live and who you are. You do not know us do you. I laughed at the guy. But who do we contact when we get a call of this nature. That is the question. Despite this being in the news quite a lot. People still become victims. I was even hoping that The Star would let people know of this new scam as soon as they could. But even they do not seem interested...........

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Ive rung the 0203 and the chap is of indian origin i would say.


He said to me. Who told you we are scamming people?, He put phone down on me, boo hoo


If you can do this, Then why cannot the Police. They just are not interested

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Well it matters not where they are. I am concerned with the fact that by the end of today they will have conned a lot of vulnerable people. The Police should have invetigated his when I called them. Maybe then they could have been in touch with the telephone service and get them stopped. How , Well there must be some way they can e-mail police in the area where these scum exist. Yet when it is on the news we are advised to contact the police straight away. I managed to get some extra info for them to work with .

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I had a call about industrial hearing saying had I received their email and that I had money waiting for me. I said how did you get my number as it is with TPS he said that they had got peoples names from their employers, odd as when I left insdustry my firm did not have my email address as it was 1996. Then I had the Indian from microsoft about my computer who got confused when I said I don't have one and I left him talking to himself.

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There are so many scams now, I do think it is getting out of control. But most of it is not in this country. They make a killing out of the most vulnerable. Time that some system was put in place on the internet, Postal Services with scam mails, Telephone companies keep a record of all scam numbers and transfer of cash by any means made difficult.

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I had a call about industrial hearing saying had I received their email and that I had money waiting for me. I said how did you get my number as it is with TPS he said that they had got peoples names from their employers, odd as when I left insdustry my firm did not have my email address as it was 1996. Then I had the Indian from microsoft about my computer who got confused when I said I don't have one and I left him talking to himself.


I did the same, One morning about 3.30am the phone rang and I was told " we are coming for you ". I asked them what time their plane will land and I would meet them.

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