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How can I reduce my dependence on corporations?

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That should be no problem. You barter eggs and ham for the local brew. A few drams of that every day will keep the blood circulating and you can get warm clothing made from the wool from your sheep.

You cant expect everything to be too easy when renouncing the rest of the world.


Err, I'll draw the line at shearing the sheep; I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm not killing them.

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I live in a tower block in the city. I want to boycott large corporations because I don't like them anymore.


How can ordinary people like me boycott large corporations that are currently essential to our basic needs? Banks, energy companies and the like.


I'm very poor and live in a council flat so moving to the countryside isn't an option. I also work in the city centre and I am not too keen to give up my job.


Any and all other suggestions are welcome.



Support small businesses


For example, butchers


Instead of buying the prepacked stuff, go to your butcher

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Get yourself a shepherd's croft in the Outer Hebrides. Buy a few sheep, pigs, hens, grow your own food.

You can light your home using candles and hurricane lamps. eliminating the energy companies. Use a battery powered radio for the news. (If the world was coming to an end you'd probably want to know about that at least)


Better still a clockwork radio.

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Thankyou for your helpfull responses.


I don't want to turn in to a hermit. I just want to remove my dependence on corporations.


For example a major energy company just hiked their prices. I don't like it and I want to leave. Unfortunately all the other energy companies are also hiking their prices. So what do I do? I need my electricity so I am forced to lump it because they have a cartel.


The solution would seem to be, breaking the cartel by getting electricity some other way. This is not so easy when you have no money and live in a council flat. But there must be lots of other people who cannot afford electricity price rises and who also want to break their dependence on these companies.


Now I know lots of government money is being spent on renewable energy but I don't expect my electricity bill to come down anytime soon. Wouldn't it be nice if sheffield council could spend whatever money it receives in such a way as to provide me and others with cheap electricity, without propping up powergen in the process. So who is in charge of spending our money around here?


One way to reduce our dependence on corporations would be to demand the council spend its energy grants building locally owned, locally controlled, renewable electricity generation and provide it to us as a service.


Feel free to jump in with suggestions of your own and please dont limit it to just electricity generation. Also give a little thought as to how you would achieve your suggestion. For example I might find out who is in charge of spending government grants and go and lobby him with all my friends.

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Get yourself a shepherd's croft in the Outer Hebrides. Buy a few sheep, pigs, hens, grow your own food.

You can light your home using candles and hurricane lamps. eliminating the energy companies. Use a battery powered radio for the news. (If the world was coming to an end you'd probably want to know about that at least)


You still rely on large corporations keeping everybody else alive, because there isn't enough room on the planet for all eight billion of us to take this option.

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You still rely on large corporations keeping everybody else alive, because there isn't enough room on the planet for all eight billion of us to take this option.


EIGHT BILLION?! It was only six billion, last time I checked. Somebody needs to give Eastern Europe back to the Russians.

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You still rely on large corporations keeping everybody else alive, because there isn't enough room on the planet for all eight billion of us to take this option.


I dont think large corporations are responsible for keeping us alive. That's our responsibility. I also don't want to hear poulation reduction suggestions except from people who are volunteering to go first. I like practical suggestions and I don't condone genocide.

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Start off by wearing unbranded clothes. Helluva lot cheaper, and you don't get charged to advertise the manufacturer. They're probably all made in the same sweatshop anyhow.


Mels half way there :thumbsup:

Edit : Sorry, I thought you said unwashed.

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