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What the heck is this ?

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'Huangshan city mirage in a nutshell, just a winning combination of bad translation and sensationalist reporting.'




' the 'floating' buildings suspended in mist above the river as described by the majority of news sites are actually nothing more than the buildings which are already currently in existence as seen THROUGH the fog, the 'floating' trees are explained by nothing more mysterious than the river having swollen and flooded low lying ground.'


Its not even a hoax, its just wrong.

Only a total moron would consider it to be anything else

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it's perfectly obvious what it is


it's Atlantis


which didn't sink into the sea taking it's culture and learning with it as we've all been told


the Illuminati fitted it with antigravity engines and flew it away because they wanted a nice beachfront property near the shops with a good view of the gardens of Shangri La


periodically they need to bring it back and recharge the cold fusion batteries on a convenient ley line


they do this in the daytime when it's misty so no one sees


they used to use Stonehenge but there are too many tourists nowadays and you don't get the mists you used to since the clean air act was passed, but china still has lots of coal fire power stations so they usually get a decent smog


see there is a perfectly reasonable explanation all you have to do is open your mind to it

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This was reported in the Mail Online a few weeks ago. As someone else has already pointed out, it's simply the result of mistranslation. Nothing to do with a mirage at all. The buildings are exactly where they appear to be. There's a site (can't be bothered to find it again....) that shows the same views without the mists.



Yes 'illusion' was probably a better way to describe it than mirage.

Any chance you could find the pictures ?

seems a lot of people have got carried away by it and we could help them back to earth.

I've looked but can't find any without the mist ,so far.

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Blimey, I was expecting a picture of the city without the mist but that article also claims the city doesn't exist usually.

Seems they were fooled also by the ITN report (in OP)


It also seems it has been done to decieve intentionally,more than just a mistranslation of the old lady.


Unless it was released on April 1st I can't see why they would do such a thing.

Any Ideas ?

(assuming the city isn't a mirage)

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