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George & Dragon in Mosoborough

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I've not. But let me know if it has good real ale. And by that, I mean not:


Black Sheep

Marston's Pedigree

Timothy Taylor's Landlord

Old Speckled Hen

London Pride

Deuchar's Caledonian


Some of these were once fine beers - but ever since the big brewers, like Whitbread, realised they were losing out to pubs that were enjoying a revival with real ales, they bought up these brands so they could stick them on the bar in their hundreds of pubs up and down the country.


If go in a pub that is supposed to be serving real ales and see any of these on the bar I know I'm in the wrong place.

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Lol Quite right on a few of them but i would disagree with you on london pride and taylor landlord. Really good pints


Both pride and landlord are still brewed by independent breweries. So dont know where you got that from.


A pint of Taylors Golden best would just go down a treat right now.


Think you need to look again. Some of the best pubs i know have Pride or Taylor as their permanent beer

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I know, I'm being a bit harsh!


The first real ale I tried was Timothy Taylor's Landlord - it was at the George & Dragon, but not in Mosborough - in Wentworth near Barnsley.


I used to think it was like drinking nectar. I'm sure it's not the same pint now as it was. I think it's still brewed by Taylor's in Keighley - but honestly, I don't think it's the same recipe as it used to be. Which wouldn't surprise me because they might have had to re-fashion it to cut costs in order to get the nationwide contract with these big chain pubs.


(i'm also an Eckington lad btw - lived there for first 25 years of my life)


Did you ever go in the British Oak at Mosboro' when it was Shipstones? I used to like Shipstones beer - then it got bought out by Greenall Whitely - and the first thing they did was to change the recipe - apparently to make it more 'palatable'! They ruined it!

Don't suppose it was anything to do with reducing costs?


Fullers is one of my favourite bigger brewers if you like. I think that Fullers' ESB is top notch. The London Pride is ok to be fair - but not a patch on ESB for my taste.


The thing is, a lot of pubs have got Pride and Landlord on - simply because of this tactic that the big brewers have taken to make sure they've got a 'token' real ale or two to offer.


If that's all a pub has when I go in, I know it's not a pub that really specialises in real ale. It's just a gesture. In some ways it's a good thing, because it's at least helped more folks to appreciate that there is a big difference between this and the crappy keg stuff that nearly killed off real ale altogether. So, it's helped with the revival.


But anyone who is enjoying these mainstream real ales should be encouraged to look a bit further than them. There is a whole world of really tremendous beer coming from small microbreweries and they beat this lot hands down.


Get yourself in the Rutland next to the Crooked Spire in Chezzie if you can, in the next few days. They've got Buxton Axe Edge on in there - now, that's a proper beer!


Put hairs on yer chest it will!



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Heyup serry...


Buxton Axe Edge is 6.8% ABV. It's not a very light beer at all. Although you'll feel like you're floating after a few pints!


If you like dark beers have you tried St Petersburg from Thornbridge? That's like a glass full of midnight!


(Don't care for mild beers at all myself - they're too mild)

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