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Last Laugh Debacle - Help required!


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Am planning to visit The Last Laugh next Sat, 19th, for a birthday celebration.

According to the flyers you can buy the tickets at Jacks Records.

Walked there yesterday in the rain, only to be told they "didnt have any tickets yet. Call back tomorrow"

I duly did. No tickets for sale.

Then noticed a poster at work (HSBC) advertising the fact bank staff can get 4 tickets for the price of 3 for a corporate offer.

Great, I thought.

Walked down to Ponds Forge. The staff there had never heard of the offer.

"We do it for some companies but not HSBC"

Which is odd, for two reasons.

1) The posters are all over the building I work in (12 floors)

2) HSBC is Sheffields largest employer. If it indeed doesnt, perhaps the offer SHOULD apply to HSBC. The Last Laugh would make a mint.

So I am confused. Does this offer apply or not?

I think the selling arrangements could be improved slightly.

I am looking to buy 12 tickets, so believe my custom would be wanted!

Toby, help!

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Firstly, I'm glad you got sorted out with the tickets.


There are currently plans underway to restructure the way we sell tickets, as it's been the only part of the operation that has let us, and more importantly you, down.


The best way to get tickets is by calling at Ponds Forge reception, or buying them online at http://www.lastlaugh.biz .


Within a couple of weeks, we will have a dedicated box office up and running.

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Originally posted by Guderian

Er, I think so. Perhaps the Council runs its close but other than that I think it must be.

(I am not talking branches here - HSBC has its I.T HQ in Sheffield)


Im pretty sure hallam and sheff uni and sheff council employ more people than HSBC

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