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Can't go out in my own city ??


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Originally posted by Ubiquitous

As if the problem is only limited to students ... of course, all locals are friendly and never barge into each other and always act in a courtly manner when in night clubs!


Gimme a break - there is always far more trouble at a non-student night as opposed to a student night.


And I agree girls are by far the worst. Especially ones who are fit - and know it. They know they can get away with it I guess![/generalisation].


I refuse to apologise for something I haven't done just to help increase some yobs ego.


don't get me wrong. I'm certainly not having a go at you and don't expect anyone to apologise for no reason.


My point being that to me it seems that students are less likely to adhere to pub etiquette than non students. I'd also say that people from wealthy backgorunds in general are more likely to not adhere to it as well.


When I was at uni I was at the ex poly in Hull. Hull is a lot rougher than Sheffield. Never had any problem with locals in dodgy local nights. I've bene at the worst night club on the worst night drunk as a skunk and didn't have a bit of trouble. Because I spilled a drink I automatically offered to buy another and if I knocked someone I aplologised straight away.


The students that tended to get hit in Hull by locals are the ones at Hull uni as they lacked much sense and manners.


In Sheffield, I've noticed in pubs with a high student presence people barging me, spilling drink etc and not a word of apology. I'm 6 ft 6 for crying out loud. It is rude and bad mannered.


In fact it winds me up more than most things. I'm not violent so not going to turn round and hit someone like some muppets would but there seems no coomon sense there at all.


Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it is young people in gerneral but I tend to notice it in places full of students

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In Sheffield, I've noticed in pubs with a high student presence people barging me, spilling drink etc and not a word of apology. I'm 6 ft 6 for crying out loud. It is rude and bad mannered.In fact it winds me up more than most things. I'm not violent so not going to turn round and hit someone like some muppets would but there seems no coomon sense there at all.Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it is young people in gerneral but I tend to notice it in places full of students [/b]


Tell me about it!! Makes me mad as wall...I know "student bashing" is frowned upon but many of them are asking to be smacked.......

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Nah I'm not buying this. As a Mancunian by birth and having lived there until I was 18 I went out plenty of times there in big non-student areas [Ashton, Stalybridge and sometimes down town during non-uni times] and the problem of people barging into you is exactly the same [if not worse from the tarty girls]. I remember one particular incident where my mate 'barged' into a ******, cocky girl and got threatened by her macho boyfriend as a result.


Students barge into you just as much as other sections of society and don't apologise just as much as well. If there is a difference it is in age - older people will probably not barge into you as much: because they are mostly at home raising their families and not getting ****** on a Monday night at Kingdom.


And to be honest I AM a student basher. I live with people from Hallam because they are more in-tune with my northern upbringing rather than poncy sourtherns like you predominantly find at shef uni. But I will defend students if I think they are getting an unfair rap.

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I do think their is a huge deal of difference in attitude (IN GENERAL) between uni and Hallam students. Same with all red bricks vs ex-polies.


maybe because of my size I get more apologies from locals than say a shorter person. Still don;t get any from students normally. Makes you feel like teaching them a swift lesson in the world and manners

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Guest sheffieldten
Originally posted by Ubiquitous

poncy sourtherns like you predominantly find at shef uni.


I like to think that we're saving them the bother of having to be in the south, let's do our best to educate them in northern ways.

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I think that generally there's a lot more rude people with no manners everywhere regardless of the person. To simply say it's all students is a daft thing to say, there's plenty of people who aren't students who are rude, bad mannered and have the manners of turds.


Like life, there are all sorts of people. As long as you're polite and well mannered I wouldn't loose any sleep over it.

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I went to uni in Hull too. Was there from 1998 to 2002. Must admit I had some great nights out there, but prefer the night scene in sheffield.


Not all weekday clubs are for students only. My fiance is a student so sometimes go out with her and her mates during the week. Was in the Leadmill last thursday and it was open to both students and non-students. the only difference is that students get in for £2, wheras us tax payers have to pay £4. Still cheap though especially as the drinks inside are also cheap to attract students.


Never knew I still knew the words to I Am The One And Only *hangs head in shame* :hihi:

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Oh, by the way Robbie, I went to Hull University instead of Humberside which is where I take it you went. I am no different to you, yet you choose to generalise anyone from a red brick university saying they are stuck up - I think not. The hull uni students didnt care about the humberside ones - it was the humberside ones who appeared to have a chip on their shoulder. I belive your chip still exists?


Hull was way way way rougher than sheffield and the locals there did not have a seperate view for students at different unis - all students were the same in their eyes. I believe the locals in sheffield have a much more favourable attitude to students than the ones in Hull, be them at hallam or sheffield.

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