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What is the point of the Labour party

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The Labour Party was founded to give parliamentary political expression to the labour movement and to directly represent the interests of working people against the interests of the capitalist and middle classes, whose interests it saw as fundamentally in conflict with those of workers. We still have a capitalist class, a middle class and a working class and if the recent banking crisis and subsequent response from politicians tells us anything, it's that those classes still have opposing interests. We are clearly not 'all in it together'.


And where is the Labour Party in all this? In government they had the spending habits of a social democratic party but not the tax raising habits to fund the spending. They pursued privatisation and PFI schemes where the state took financial risks and guaranteed profit to private companies. They hob-nobbed with the likes of Rupert Murdoch and left many of their working class supporters alienated and looking to the likes of the BNP.


Today I got an email from my trade union, Unison, in which the general secretary Dave Prentis makes some thinly veiled attacks on the Labour Party, saying that 'we were there for you and you should be there for us'. If even Dave Prentis, the most slavishly obedient pro-Labour union leader in Britain, is complaining that he's been sold out is there really any point in carrying on?

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What's the point of the Labour Party?


To be a slightly better alternative to the Nasty Party?


It all seems a waste of time really when it's patently obvious that the free market and capitalism has led to bankers walking away with billions in their pockets whilst school crossings are being axed yet the public still vote for the bankers and their mates.

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There are now more people renting property from private landlords, than people renting social housing. Lower amounts of owner occupiers and a large amount of people about to get repossessed.


Nulabour were closet conservatives investing heavily in policies designed to extract the wealth of their electorate via rent, taxes and subsidy for landlords.

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There are now more people renting property from private landlords, than people renting social housing. Lower amounts of owner occupiers and a large amount of people about to get repossessed.


Nulabour were closet conservatives investing heavily in policies designed to extract the wealth of their electorate via rent, taxes and subsidy for landlords.


Quite right the best party will be at SF unofficial meet on 18 July when our PPC the illustrious Mr Alcoblog may attend to set forth his agenda for the next election, the meeting will have hors d'oevres based on an old family recipe consisting mainly of wasps and afters of chocolate coated er.... wasps See evenings out for details

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Quite right the best party will be at SF unofficial meet on 18 July when our PPC the illustrious Mr Alcoblog may attend to set forth his agenda for the next election, the meeting will have hors d'oevres based on an old family recipe consisting mainly of wasps and afters of chocolate coated er.... wasps See evenings out for details


Is it somewhere that has copius amounts of very cheap beer? And smoking facilities of a high standard?

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