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Unemployment down, jobseekers claimants up, time to change the dole figure?

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Guest sibon
The reason so many people are recieving top ups on their wages is because the government allowed immigration in order to depress wages and sustain the housing bubble.



You don't really believe that do you?


From a different angle, private companies pay the minimum possible to get the job done. The state picks up the balance to ensure that the employes have a decent standard of living. State subsidisation of private enterprise. While those in charge make a killing.

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Happ Hazard does have a point though - although that is a different thread.


The more people who want a dwindling product, sends the prices up. If all of a sudden there was a shortage of chicken (or any other food stock) I can't imagine Morrisons or Tescos not increasing the price.


With regards the immigration, if more people are applying for one job and people are prepared to work for less money, then the wage that particular job role commands goes down

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Sorry SB, that will never happen. If we reveal the massive number of private sector workers who are receiving a top up from the state, we will expose the myth that the private sector is good and the public sector is bad. Some people might even twig why public sector wages have finally risen above private sector ones...


You know the myth it is being hawked around by all the right wingers at the moment. The argument runs that if you are a private sector employee, you are a wealth creator. If you are not, then you are not. Quite clearly a nonsense.


Why is it quite clearly a nonsense?

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I don't believe they do.


Many people believed Sadam had weapons of mass destruction back in 2003, because the powers that be, said he had.....this despite the fact no clear evidence was presented to prove it (prior to the war)


Many people in the UK cannot see the truth and believe everything they are told


i haven't met anyone who believed that he had weapons of mass destruction

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i haven't met anyone who believed that he had weapons of mass destruction


It wasn’t an unreasonable assumption that he had some when he had defiantly used them in the past.


During the regime of Saddam Hussein, the nation of Iraq used, possessed, and made efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Hussein was internationally known for his use of chemical weapons in the 1980s against Kurdish civilians during and after the Iran–Iraq War. It is also known that in the 1980s he pursued an extensive biological weapons program and a nuclear weapons program, though no nuclear bomb was built.


After the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War, the United Nations located and destroyed large quantities of Iraqi chemical weapons

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So what do people think the true unemployment figure is? 6m? 8m?


The published records should be the number of people in full-time employment. That would of course exclude all those sectors in the OPs post. But it would also exclude the many who have been forced into part time hours when previously they were full time.


But, as everybody has said, it won't happen. While the media can sneer at little old Greece, Ireland, Italy etc. I shouldn't think we're that far ahead.

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So what do people think the true unemployment figure is? 6m? 8m?


The published records should be the number of people in full-time employment. That would of course exclude all those sectors in the OPs post. But it would also exclude the many who have been forced into part time hours when previously they were full time.


But, as everybody has said, it won't happen. While the media can sneer at little old Greece, Ireland, Italy etc. I shouldn't think we're that far ahead.




The employment rate for those aged from 16 to 64 for the three months to May 2011 was 70.7 per cent, unchanged on the quarter. The number of people in employment aged 16 and over increased by 50,000 on the quarter and by 309,000 on the year to reach 29.28 million. The number of people in employment is 293,000 lower than the pre-recession peak of 29.57 million recorded for the three months to May 2008.

If my maths is correct 70.7% is 29,280,000 in work there must be 12,123,427 not in work. They won’t all be claiming benefits.

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