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Educate yourself with YouTube..

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Many lectures from the World's top universities are free to see on youtube.


The internet has revolutionised education.


Man can learn for free. His local library has expanded exponentially...


There's also loads of twaddle on it and lots of people can't tell the difference.

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  • 10 months later...
Jordan Maxwell on the occult......nothing to do with witchcraft though.It is about the Bible and symbology,truly fascinating research.


Warning.If you are religious and deeply believe the bible...DO NOT WATCH!






Jordan Maxwell also believes 9/11 was an inside job so he's clearly a crackpot. Why would anybody want to listen to anything else he has to say?


He also believes judges were black because black robes represent the priesthood of an alien brotherhood on Saturn.




He smokes crack.

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911 was an inside job.

7/7 was an inside job.


Who do it?


MI6 Mossad and CIA.


On behalf of who.


Queen Elizabeth, George Bush, The Pope etc.... (The Bavarian Illuminati, Columbia faction).




Various reasons, including, One World Government, population reduction (so that the 1% can control us more easily).



Cannabis is an amazing plant and is also one of the main ingredients of the holy annointing oil as recorded in the Holy Bible.


The only reason Cannabis is illigal is because we live in a fascist dictationship.


Its the corporations that fund all political parties and all the politicians have to do what their paymasters tell them to do.


The corporations do not want Cannabis to be crimininalised because it would affect there profits.


The top five American lobby groups that pay the corrupt politicians to keep hemp Illegal



PS Jordan Maxwell has some very good things to say, watch him yourself and make up your own mind about what he says (critical thinking), dont listen to naysayers, think for yourself. If you dont like what you hear then thats cool.


Bottom line.


IF you want the truth about anything, Dont listen to mainstream media (TV or Newspapers), find alternate news sources.


The mainstream is bought and paid for by the military industial complex.


They'll tell you any old lie to keep the war machine jugernaught rolling on.

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There is some incredibly good stuff mostly provided by American universities.

The following link is for 'The World is Flat 3.0', it's not as good as the original

but its worth watching if your are interetested in how technology is changing global





There is also some rubbish, the following is a link

with David Icke talking about the moon.


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