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Brits Abroad..raw deal ?

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......I don't see the taxi drivers of Skeggy and Mablethorpe murdering or raping teenagers, maybe you know otherwise !


To be quite honest, no matter which country you go to plenty of cheap alcohol will entice the younger generation, many of which merely want one or two weeks to let their hair down. Although locals rely & encourage tourism they shouldn’t be subjected to the effects afterwards. I know there’s an argument of well why do they encourage cheap booze holidays, well because those taking up the offer want a cheap boozy holiday but they should also have some responsibility on how they are going to behave. Whichever country you go to you will get the same behaviour, the UK is just as bad, go down town any Friday & Saturday night, you get ‘good’ drunks & ‘bad’ drunks, there’s always an element of bad behaviour you get fights with gangs, drunken partners, police, taxi drivers being assaulted and in answer to the above post yes taxi drivers assaulting & on the very very odd occasion drivers raping & murdering.








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I don't see the taxi drivers of Skeggy and Mablethorpe murdering or raping teenagers, maybe you know otherwise !


This is true. You have to go to London for that.




A taxi driver cruised the streets of London late at night looking for drunk women to drug and sexually assault, a court heard today.


John Worboys raped one woman and sexually assaulted at least five others after drugging them with over-the-counter and prescription drugs, Croydon crown court was told.


In total he is accused of 23 offences against 14 women, including rape, assault by penetration, sexual assault, attempted sexual assault and administering a substance with intent.


It's wonderful to hear the mindless morons who have never been past Derbyshire offering their expert opinion as to what the foreigners are like.

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Or, if you want to be raped by a non-taxi driver, you can still hang around in Skeggy.




POLICE are appealing for help in trying to piece together the movements of a woman in Skegness who has made an allegation of rape.


The woman was out in the town on Saturday evening and may have been accompanied by a man.


The details of the allegation are limited so police would like to hear from anyone who saw the woman out in the town's nightspots.


Hang on just a mo.....is a patten developing?


Got it. It's women who get smashed that are being targeted. Perhaps if they do the same abroad, it may leave then as defenceless as they are in Skeggy.

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Wow upinwath been googling have you ? Well British people getting drunk (smashed as you refer to it ) murdered, raped and assaulted in Britain, how on earth did you find facts like that ?

Of course the post you made was in response to the one I made about Skeggy and Mablethorpe which was in response to someone else using that analogy...fair enough, but you still missed the point.

Now go back and read the OP if it helps, as for mindless morons not having ventured further than Derbyshire, who would that be then ? Probably you I reckon 'mr know nowt' :D


Now more to the point how keen would you be to recommend a resort like Laganas to your teenage son or daughter, have a google pal your good at that, then pop back with a response, then again if you think getting smashed makes you fair game for rape or murder, then I ain't that hopeful of a good one :thumbsup:

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To be quite honest, no matter which country you go to plenty of cheap alcohol will entice the younger generation, many of which merely want one or two weeks to let their hair down. Although locals rely & encourage tourism they shouldn’t be subjected to the effects afterwards. I know there’s an argument of well why do they encourage cheap booze holidays, well because those taking up the offer want a cheap boozy holiday but they should also have some responsibility on how they are going to behave. Whichever country you go to you will get the same behaviour, the UK is just as bad, go down town any Friday & Saturday night, you get ‘good’ drunks & ‘bad’ drunks, there’s always an element of bad behaviour you get fights with gangs, drunken partners, police, taxi drivers being assaulted and in answer to the above post yes taxi drivers assaulting & on the very very odd occasion drivers raping & murdering.









So you google too...very good, yes I know we have drunks fighting on a Friday and Saturday night, slapping their partners etc. More to the point I see how you too try to find an excuse for what happens in places like Zante. So I will ask you the same as upinwath, google the resort of Laganas and tell me if you would recommend the place for a holiday for your teenage son or daughter.

I am not excusing the behaviour of the British teenagers abroad, however IMHO some of the locals in these tourist resorts seem all too willing to take advantage of these acts of drunken stupidity and take a few liberties. Our politicians and media are in uproar about phone hacking, but I see little on their agenda to question both the antics of our youths abroad and their treatment by their hosts !

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Getting drunk, behaving irresponsibly doesn’t make any person ‘fair game’ for raping or murdering, I think the points that are being made is in reference to your OP, that being do the British get a raw deal when abroad. You have to look at the bigger picture, the vast majority of foreign destinations welcome tourism, countries such as Greece & Spain rely heavily on it, as tourists we go there for differing reasons, the majority of English youngsters go to these destinations for the 24/7 Party atmosphere & to get a good sun tan.


As I said earlier because a place allows 24/7 drinking & encourages/promotes young adults to participate, does not necessarily mean that the very small amount of individuals who can’t handle their drink, can abuse the locals whether they be indigenous or expat, on the flip side this doesn’t also mean it’s acceptable for the very small amount of locals to take it upon themselves to abuse them either. The incident which has probably led to this post was an un-regrettable incident, young adult males getting drunk, slightly rowdy, a sight you see in destinations worldwide including the UK, they unfortunately came into contact with a couple of mindless local thugs who took it upon themselves to overreact & as a result a young man lost his life, totally unacceptable, but not the fault of the Greek locals, nor those living in Laganas.

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You just have to love this forum ,its a no no if you question Islam but its ok to knock the Brits..your own people at that.


Glamrocker I’ll support many arguments with regard to poor immigration control in this country, but as a country we can’t expect that on one hand immigrants must behave in a certain way in this country, such as abiding by our laws, then expect to go to another country a behave according to our own laws here, disregarding the indigenous populas over there, we are in effect doing exactly what we complain about here in regard to foreigners in this country.


A classic example of our sometimes double standards is the numerous Brits who go to countries such as Dubai & arrested for inappropriate relations, or obscene behaviour in public, we know the laws when we go so we should abide by them, it’s not about knocking this or that it’s about mutual standards and respect. I believe by having this attitude gives us English a better stance & support when arguing about home grown issues on immigration.

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Are the British targeted when abroad, have we become fair game because we have traditionally bred loud drunks and thugs, or do our nationals become victims pro rata to the numbers that travel abroad ?

I dont see any media or political outrage at many incidents that occur, particularly to our young people when they are murdered, raped or assaulted abroad, the British tourist industry is big business and a big source of revenue to other economies, are we getting a raw deal, do we get what we deserve, do our hosts think it's OK to give our nationals grief when we are in their countries ?

Should we be boycotting places our kids go to for their holidays ?


I think that Brits get a raw deal in Spain. I have visited Spain many times and on my last visit there (and I mean that as latest but also last as in not going ever again) I called in a bar which was used virtually entirely by the Spanish.

We approached the bar and asked for drinks. When they realised that we were English there was a discussion between the barmaid and owner.

We got served and found out later from someone who was Spanish speaking English that they had been discussing how much extra to charge us as we are English!

The prices were extortionate and I shall never go to Spain again.

They must be taught not to bite the hand that feeds them!

They are relatively prosperous because of our money.

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So you google too...very good, yes I know we have drunks fighting on a Friday and Saturday night, slapping their partners etc. More to the point I see how you too try to find an excuse for what happens in places like Zante. So I will ask you the same as upinwath, google the resort of Laganas and tell me if you would recommend the place for a holiday for your teenage son or daughter.

I am not excusing the behaviour of the British teenagers abroad, however IMHO some of the locals in these tourist resorts seem all too willing to take advantage of these acts of drunken stupidity and take a few liberties. Our politicians and media are in uproar about phone hacking, but I see little on their agenda to question both the antics of our youths abroad and their treatment by their hosts !


Yes googling is a brilliant application for acquiring facts to broaden knowledge, I recommend it:clap:. I am not trying to find excuses for what happens abroad, I am merely trying to balance your arguments which appears to me that as far as you are concerned places such as Zante & Laganas take liberties with the British, I have no doubts a small amount of the population will do, would I recommend these places to my children, No, but then again my children will make up their own minds, they’ll probably follow their friends & peers, I mean what do I know I’m the old fart that’s never partied, like many parents on this forum.


I understand people get angry when someone is harmed when they are in foreign countries, & all are unacceptable & avoidable, but the point is this sort of behaviour is not confined to just foreign destinations, it happens worldwide, you go to Cancun in Mexico, the Americans/Canadians behave the same way our Brits do when abroad in Europe, the Mexicans have a love/hate relationship, they despair at their behaviour but continue to welcome them with their offers of cheap booze & 24/7 party atmosphere.


As for our politicians getting involved, what would you recommend, an embargo encompassing financial/imort/export, foreign office intervention by placing Zante & Laganas on the axis of evil, or why not just go the whole hog, lets place troops on the border, get UN resolution for a no flight zone. Why don’t you be specific & tell us what you want to happen, while you at it do you mind telling me what are your favourite destinations,? top of Mt Snowdon, Bracken Hill, just interested.

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