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Brits Abroad..raw deal ?

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Wow upinwath ............................................................. if you think getting smashed makes you fair game for rape or murder, then I ain't that hopeful of a good one :thumbsup:


I didn't say it made you fair game, simply and easy target.

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If fact.


Try looking at the death rate in Thailand and comparing that with Indonesia.

Expats are dropping like flies in Thailand but only the odd one here.

I wonder what the difference is. Booze and bar girls?

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I think its like Americans going abroad and pretending to be Canadian. The Brits will forever have a stigma attached to them.


Peewee: Yes, we might pay "their" wages, but that doesn't give the Brits the right to act like r soles does it?

The only places I've been to in recent years are UK, Ireland, Norway, and of course Canada. In none of them have I ever felt a need to pretend I'm Canadian, though I did hold citizenship in that country for many years and proud of it.
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Yes googling is a brilliant application for acquiring facts to broaden knowledge, I recommend it:clap:. I am not trying to find excuses for what happens abroad, I am merely trying to balance your arguments which appears to me that as far as you are concerned places such as Zante & Laganas take liberties with the British, I have no doubts a small amount of the population will do, would I recommend these places to my children, No, but then again my children will make up their own minds, they’ll probably follow their friends & peers, I mean what do I know I’m the old fart that’s never partied, like many parents on this forum.


I understand people get angry when someone is harmed when they are in foreign countries, & all are unacceptable & avoidable, but the point is this sort of behaviour is not confined to just foreign destinations, it happens worldwide, you go to Cancun in Mexico, the Americans/Canadians behave the same way our Brits do when abroad in Europe, the Mexicans have a love/hate relationship, they despair at their behaviour but continue to welcome them with their offers of cheap booze & 24/7 party atmosphere.


As for our politicians getting involved, what would you recommend, an embargo encompassing financial/imort/export, foreign office intervention by placing Zante & Laganas on the axis of evil, or why not just go the whole hog, lets place troops on the border, get UN resolution for a no flight zone. Why don’t you be specific & tell us what you want to happen, while you at it do you mind telling me what are your favourite destinations,? top of Mt Snowdon, Bracken Hill, just interested.


Yep I know how to use google and agree with your first sentence :thumbsup:

In your own words, your the old fart who never partied, well I can tell that too without googling, me I can still party now and I'm a grandparent, but I can handle my drinking and behaviour.

Personally if my livelihood relied on people partying, sometimes to excess, then I learn to live as much as possible with the often rowdy drunken behaviour that will bring.

As for the paragraph you posted on political involvement, well if you need to be so ridiculous then I suggest you go back to googling, cos you posted garbage...... IMHO of course :D

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If fact.


Try looking at the death rate in Thailand and comparing that with Indonesia.

Expats are dropping like flies in Thailand but only the odd one here.

I wonder what the difference is. Booze and bar girls?

Booze and bar girls ..doesnt sound a bad way to go,tell me what do you do to enjoy yourself living under a repressed religious regime ?

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St Lucia was full of Brits, well behaved, they were all middle aged though, there just to relax or for a wedding, but I have flown from JFK to Manchester many times and had to asked to move seats from the back for fear someone would throw up on me.:hihi:

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