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That famous Brit explorer Chistopher Columbus!!

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His desire for Reich imperialism won. He wanted the Sudetenland back and we ignored that, and then he took the whole of Czecheslovakia. A desire to be an ally and doing exactly what the British tell him are not exclusive to each other. When he took Poland it was considered for war to be unavoidable any further.



No, I wasn't born until the early 1980s. I feel the question is trying to undermine me though, and you didn't expect a proper answer from that.


I wasn't trying to undermine you and I wasn't born until after war either but a long time before you. The fact is we asked for an official undertaking for a specific deadline or we would be at war - Hitler chose the latter and suffered the consequences as did we - my OH is into this period in history so he knows much more than I do:D:love:

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The blame for such ignorance must go to the PC brigade who changed the way British history is taught in our schools.


We should be proud of our great explorers and the British Empire which once ruled the world - instead our kids are taught to be ashamed of our nation's glorious past.

i only remember doing about stuff like 1066 and the 1st / 2nd world wars


and that was the UNPC 70s / 80s

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  • 1 year later...
Watched about 10mins of 'The Aprentice' the other night and was quite appalled and a bit depressed actually to witness the conversation between 2 of the contestants. Apparently Christopher Columbus was a famous British explorer who discovered the potato and there was another famous explorer called William Drake. Mmmmm.... :( (They forgot to mention Walter Raleigh famous for discovering the racing bicycle :hihi:) Are these people representative of today's bright, up and coming young people who will be running the country... I hope not.
I'm one of the old and going farts who is still fortunate enough to know how to spell the word apprentice, perhaps that comes from, at one time, being one myself.:)
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He had a funny way of showing it, we asked for an undertaking that he would not invade Poland and according to Churchill 'no such undertaking was received' - now did this equate with him wanting us as an ally?:roll::roll: Did Hitler advise you?
" No such undertaking has been received " was uttered by Neville Chamberlain not Winston Churchill. Churchill uttered " In the name of God go " about Chamberlain, which he did, and saved our sorry bums.
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Chrissy Columbine ( however you write it) was an absolute tosser"


You've got a boat which does (about) 4 knots (and that was a fact, 'chip logs' (you chuck a bit of wood in at the front end, keep an eye on it, do the counting "one arseholr in bed with the captain, two (boinjour matelot) etc.


I. Sir, am a retired navigator.


I can so spherical trigonometry (in my head, if I really have to.)


Nuthin special about that. - it was expcted in my youth.


I was expected to do spherical trig calcUlations in my head ... while I was flying the aircraft.


It wasn't a problem really. Even the thickest had an IQ of 140 and most of us were a bit better than that,

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