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Woman refused permission to breast feed

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There you go again making claims this is BNP,its nothing to do with them at all,only in your head.You do seem obsessed by the BNP,you really need to get out more.:hihi:


..and as if by magic, here's a quote from a contributor to the BNP website:


"Well, I hope that this was a wake up call for Emma! She knows who to vote for come the next election!


The Muslims can get stuffed- if they should become 'offended' by a mother carrying out a perfectly natural act, then by all means they can pack-up and go back (or f*** o**) to their Islamic homelands. These Muslims are (barely!) tolerated here in Britain, but I can foresee the British running out of 'tolerance' as the emboldened Muslims continue impose their cultural values onto us, and the wet-the-bed, yellow bellied 'liberals' capitulate to the ever increasing demands made by the Muslim colonist.


There are others in a similar vein, so what the article has achieved is justification for people to vent their spleens about something that if it happened was not at the behest of Muslims in the first place.

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Exactly. I breastfed 40 years ago when it was far less common, and if I had to do it outside my home it was simple to cover up. Some of my younger friends have found exactly the same. It can be done it so discreetly its hard for anyone to really notice. Of course, as in anything else, there are always a few that won't be discreet. And although I support every woman's right to feed her child, I'm sure I'm like most other people, I don't want to be a spectator.


I think that was very coniderate of you and your friends.


When I worked in sales, women would randomly start feeding half way through asking questions. Or at the next table at a restaurant just when my food is being served. :gag:


As for muslims, I think they get 'blamed' for a lot of good ideas.

like women only swimming pool sessions, for one. :)

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